Showing posts with label The Crossroads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Crossroads. Show all posts

Sunday, February 27, 2022

A Thousand Miles of Dreams

Chasing for a dream above the sky is truly a magical moment. We soar high to achieve our goals and plan our next life chapter, even in the most uncertain times.

Life is truly meaningful when we are prepared to take life's best shot. The processes we've been through and the sacrifices we've made have not been in vain. They have made us wiser and braver, and it's important to remember and appreciate these lessons as we move forward.

As I embark on my next journey, I remember the good things and those memories that have contributed to where I'm heading. 

Life has its fair share of bittersweet happenings, but we learned to be driven by our life purpose. We do not stop, but we continue the desires of our hearts. We become unstoppable. We become limitless.

In our aspiration for a better life, we have to cross beyond borders and see what lies ahead. Because only when we face our fears and doubts can we become fierce. We become fearless. 

As I embark on a new life chapter, I am deeply appreciative of the love and support of my dear ones. Their presence in my life is a constant source of inspiration, helping me to achieve my deepest desires and navigate life's challenges. 

Looking ahead, I'll tread the path with caution and wisdom. I'll navigate the crossroads with certainty and capability, fueled by the unwavering belief in the mighty spirit within me. With a thousand miles of dreams, I'll be guided by the Almighty, confident in my own strength.

©️ 2022 Del Cusay

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Life's Toughest Fight

When asked about your life's toughest fight, what would it be?

Is it about your fiercest opponent? Is it your unexpected defeat? Or your victorious winning?

When we're punched hard by struggles, it's easy to be defeated. It gets harder to rise up and give our best counterpunch. Life's even harder to get up when we're knocked out. We lose and do not even shout out. That's the reality of life; we learn not just from our most remarkable wins but also from our worst defeats.

However, at times, our toughest fight comes inherent—from within. This internal conflict, these lower emotions that fight us inwardly, they are not to be dismissed. They are real, they are valid, and they are often the most challenging to defeat.

Our tendencies for resentment, grudge, and rage are our worst enemies and often the hardest to fight. It could be our most challenging battle. We win some, or we lose some.

But what if our worst enemy is just ourselves? We can't escape our worst tendencies, conflicting personalities, and lower emotions. After all, it may be just us. How could we escape? How could we cope? How could we win the battle, our internal fight and greatest struggle? One strategy is to practice self-awareness and self-compassion, acknowledging our flaws and working towards self-improvement.

Even when we're struggling and not even close to winning, the toughest fight gives us the courage to keep fighting and moving. It's a testament to our resilience, our ability to endure and overcome, that we keep going.

In the end, all our emotions are valid. It's not just about recognizing the good, but also the bad and the worst. This recognition contributes to realizing our true essence of living. It's a journey of acceptance and growth, and it's okay to hope for a triumphant victory.

©️ 2021 Del Cusay

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Journey from Alpha to Lambda

Would you rather be an Alpha, Beta, Delta, or Gamma?

We've all journeyed from the unexpectedly painful beginning in early 2020 to the second half of 2021. This is not the joyous path we've imagined. This is different from the future we've envisioned, but we've walked it together.

Back at the year-end of 2019 and the welcome of 2020, that was all fun. Who would have thought we'd all suffer a sad fate of uncertain life and future. 

Yes, we've come this far, and it's been almost two years of struggles and miseries. But like a roller coaster ride, we've shown resilience in the face of ups and downs. Like a dead-end road, we've found detours and U-turns. And like a crossroad, we've sometimes headed straight ahead. We may occasionally be turning right, and we could be riding in the wrong direction, but we've kept moving forward.

Yes, we may have aspired to be an Alpha or Delta personality type. But given the title associated with a deadly unseen enemy, we may just want to be a Nada. To have nothing to worry about. To have nothing to suffer. To have no fear and no painful ending, but only meaningful suffering turned into a blessing.

©️ 2021 Del Cusay

Related Post:

👉 The Journey Continues: From Lambda to Omicron

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Moving Forward and Going Further

When was the last time you thought of giving up? Your goals, ambitions! Your dreams and desires!

 Remember, perseverance is the key to achieving these. Stay determined and focused.

Quitting is easy when we're no longer fueled by our passion and motivation. But what happens when we no longer serve our purpose just by giving up? Our love empowers us to overcome these challenges and keep moving forward. 

One thing I've learned in the corporate world is to keep on burning. Keep in mind the desires, hopes, and positive future.

Working at Ford made me realize the importance of going further in life and everything. To "go further" means many things to people. For me, it's about achieving our ultimate potential and doing our best to be at the top of the line, at the peak of performance, always full tank and energized. It's about personal growth and the determination to be our best. This journey of personal development is what keeps us inspired and motivated.

My time at Ford Global City and Ford Manila was a period of growth and learning. I was success-driven to go further. There were moments of doubt and uncertainty, like when we were faced with a major project deadline, but I always remember to move forward and keep the passion alive.

This time, keep on moving no matter what happens. The road to the peak, where we achieve our ultimate potential, may be rough sometimes, but we're not giving up because we believe we can always choose to go further and live a better life filled with the rewards of our perseverance, such as personal growth, professional success, and a sense of fulfillment.

©️ 2021 Del Cusay

Sunday, January 24, 2021

A Weekend Stroll at Quezon Memorial Circle

There's a breathing space in the center of the largest city of Metro Manila lies the monument in honor of former President Manuel Quezon.

This kind of environment is all we need to take a break and have a weekend leisure walk at Quezon Memorial Circle. It's believed to be the last lungs of Quezon City with the protected 27-hectare green oval park.

The 66-meter shrine has three tall Pylons. That's a center of attraction in the busy elliptical road where six major lanes meet. It has three angels on the top, symbolizing the three most prominent Philippine Island groups: Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.

I like it when you can find green space in a large metropolis where people can visit for leisure, and Quezon Memorial Circle is one of the best places for fitness, shopping, museum tour, and food trip.

The remains of former Philippine President Manuel Quezon are inside the monument with his wife, Aurora. He's one of the best and most dignified statesmen the Philippines ever had, making his life worth remembering.

What's good about Quezon Memorial Circle is the many activities that visitors can do. I've seen many fitness groups doing exercises like jogging, biking, dancing, and even just sitting on benches or a simple walk exploring different areas of interest.

This place is also best for people who collect various ornamental plants. So many business stalls sell different varieties of plants and flowers. It makes the home greener and more relaxed, which makes it an ideal outdoor park. 

During this pandemic, indoor and outdoor gardening became a hobby for many people in the metropolitan area. It became part of their health and wellness goals to go green and relieve stress surrounded by beautiful plants and flowers.

A leisure walk in a park brings invigorating energy from the greeneries and the active people. We would want to achieve balance in our Livinges. Though life in the metropolis can be exhausting, we must take a deep breath and have a youthful glow. And so we could also share that lighter energy and vibrant glow with others.

Quezon Memorial Circle has a lot to offer, and since the 1950s, it has undergone several transformations and the newest attractions. 

We need more green parks in major cities all over the Philippines, and Quezon Memorial Circle is one of the best parks to be replicated or become a source of inspiration.

Green living is Godly Living. 

©️ 2021 Del Cusay

Related Post:

👉 World Refugee Day: In Memory of President Quezon

Sunday, January 3, 2021

New Year 2021: A New Hope

The year 2020 brought a lot of pain and suffering into our lives. It was a test of our resilience, a challenge we never expected, but one we've learned to accept and embrace. We've shown our strength in the face of the darkest era of our times.

If this is a preview of a new decade, the '20s, we could predict the future; uncertainty is now part of our daily lives. 

Things change instantaneously. It's like a blink of an eye, and our fate would change.

The year 2020 was the saddest and most unpredictable moment we've experienced. It ruined our hopes and dreams and redirected our compass to a crossroads. That was the end of the year 2020. Finally, we've all welcomed the new year 2021 with our greatest hopes. After the long agony, we can blur the sad memories from the deepest of our consciousness.

As we bid farewell to the year 2020, we welcome the new year 2021 with our greatest hopes. After the long agony, we can look forward to a fresh start, ready to create new, happier memories.

A new world

Whatever earth changes we've been experiencing, one thing I'm sure of is that this is part of the Divine plan. We're not in control; hence, we let things happen and make things happen in our human capacity.

If the world has to change this way, then a more significant force can move us and direct our path -- either to follow and have faith or to step back and have doubts.

So, in this new world order, some would be victims of a sad reality, while others would be victorious survivors.

New opportunities

We've seen people who have lost their livelihoods and missed some chances and opportunities over the past year.

Some may have struggled a lot in business, career, and life. This has also caused our fears, frustrations, and anger. It has made us express all kinds of emotions. It has caused inconvenience and a downgrade in the quality of living at some point.

This year, 2021, is about new opportunities that await us. The missed one is just a moment of pause, stopping for a while, re-calibrating, and being ready to stand up again.

This year, 2021, is about an opportunity to be together as a family again, to be reunited, and to recall how we started it all.

When we're lost, our family guides and lights our path. They're there to pick us up when we're down and cheer us on our way up. Their support is our strength, and it's what keeps us going.

Opportunities don't knock only once. We see opportunities everywhere. And if there seem to be none, we can create them ourselves. For instance, we can start a new business, learn a new skill, or volunteer in our community. We can also create opportunities for others by mentoring, sharing resources, or simply being a supportive friend.

A new dream

Yes, we've awakened from a deep slumber. It was somehow a nightmare! 

This year, we hope for a better night's sleep, a night free from worries and fears. And when we dream, we dream of a better world, a world where we can all live in peace and harmony. As we wake up, we'll turn that dream into a reality, working towards a future that is brighter and more hopeful.

And when we dream, we extend it to the special people in our lives. They are the source of our inspiration, happiness, and reason for living. Family is love, and family is forever. That's one thing I know for sure.

A night or a daydream is a pleasant experience of hoping for brighter days. 

A new hope

We're hopeful that no matter how life seems uncertain, we still believe that something good will happen.

Our hope will always keep us alive and make us believe that miracles happen daily, from when we wake up until we go to sleep. 

A new hope is there to give us the energy to live actively. A new hope gives us many chances to try again and never give up, but hope when things seem to be falling.

This year, 2021, is about hope in all aspects of life. We hope for the best things to happen, for the best wishes to come, and for the best life ahead.

 ©️ 2021 Del Cusay 

Related Post:

👉 New Year 2020: A New Decade

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Eternal Peace: Reliving the Legacy

Life is short, but once lived fully and with dignity, it deserves the highest gratitude and honor from the living and in eternity. As they say, we only live once, and as much as possible, with all our energy or power, we can maximize our potential and live our best lives. It could be a thousand years of 'secret' messages of success, the lessons and wisdom that are often overlooked but are still relevant today.

Even in the face of life's shortest journey, our departed loved one faced every challenge and obstacle with unwavering strength. They bore their pain and sorrows in silence, a testament to their resilience. Yet, there comes a time when we must relinquish control and let life guide us to our next destination.

Even at the crossroads of life, when we are weak and surrounded by people who are dear to us, we are helpless and powerless, but there is a specific energy that holds on to our life beyond our control. When all we can do is accept one's fate, it burrows the most profound pain to see the suffering. When someone has reached the final moment, all we can do is give a decent and dignified way of letting go. To gather and pray, to reminisce precious moments, and to offer the deepest sympathy and respect.

We may not remember the conversations and expressions, but we can recognize meaningful positive emotions. We will never forget the smiles even through pain  a fighting spirit amidst suffering.

We may remember the events, but we will never forget the laughter, the stories, and the wisdom shared. You were there to witness how we survived our challenges, just like how you survived your battles. You were ahead and have seen several years of transformation in the families and communities you loved.

People may have forgotten you, but we can never forget the greatest gift you have given us. A precious gift that will remain forever, even in generations to come. You are gone but have left a legacy to the faith community, the place you have loved wholeheartedly.

 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish: A Divine Gift , a testament to your generosity and love for the community. It all started with your loving heart and sense of community. You have seen its development from groundbreaking until a community of religious people comes in. You may not be able to physically witness its growth in years to come, but you will be there to see its glory in spirit. A heavenly place for your loved ones and the people, even in remote areas, will be served and lead in service.

You taught us the virtue of humility and service. You may not have everything to give, but in our hearts, you have provided more than enough to your family and thousands of people. Now, you are in peace and maybe traveling in paradise as your final destination. If there is life after death, you will be the happiest to see your creator and reunite with your loved ones who are long gone before you.

You have given so much; your legacy will be remembered and shared. Divine Light: Our God's Greatest Love , a symbol of your faith and the love you shared with others, may have been your greatest gift and contribution, and the people, in return, have given their most tremendous respect and deepest sympathy to your eternal journey. We have lost you, but you are now on your way to eternal life, away from suffering and pain.

We are deeply grateful for the love and care you bestowed upon us. Your selfless acts of kindness will forever be cherished. We love you, and may you find eternal peace in the loving embrace of the Almighty God. 

© 2018 Del Cusay

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas in Our Hearts 2018: A New Milestone, Self-Renewal and New Beginning

Reflecting on the past year, 2018 has been a year of personal growth and self-discovery. It's a year that has redefined the meaning of life, pushing me to exercise greater self-restraint and emotional control. Now, as I look back, I ponder over the fairness of my decisions and the execution of my plans.

The previous year, 2017, may have been the most challenging ever. Christmas in Our Hearts 2017: The Unexpected Reality would have hit a punch and destruction, but have received a warm embrace and affection from a loving family back home. However, 2018 gave me a new beginning and hope, and I will fight and survive.

I have been more positive all these years since I learned to elevate my higher consciousness, but losing oneself along the way also means losing the power once established. There are miracles, as I believe, whereas uncertainties would have to be defeated.

Patience, tolerance, and perseverance are not just virtues, but they are also the keys to unlocking higher aspirations. They may not come easy, but when embedded in our consciousness, they can be powerful tools in both business and life.

Personal Development

Since 2011, I have written and shared several personal development stories and quotations. This year, I have compiled some quotes from my writings.
  • The Road Ahead. I started sharing personal quotes about my life experiences and the wisdom I have gained through the years. Whenever I get inspired and motivated, I capture whatever beautiful scene lifts my spirit. The Road Ahead is still under construction, with no shortcuts to the best destination.
  • The Crossroads. There are setbacks along the journey, and I must feel the agony. My sufferings would have helped me look back on what I have done and have to pay back. The Crossroads would have reminded me about the right road and taught me not to take the wrong "U" turn. 
  • Soulful Sunday. There is something so beautiful about Sunday morning upon waking up. A certain feeling of joy in the heart awakens a blissful spirit. Soulful Sunday is about my reflections and thoughts about significant events impacting my life. 
Those subjects above serve as a GPS, a personal guide for self-mastery and renewal. I gently lift my soul for healing and reconciliation whenever I feel crushed and defeated.

A New Milestone

I said before that when the door closes, another opportunity knocks. In the third quarter of 2018, I acted on my dream to develop and execute my entrepreneurial plans. It may not be prestigious or grandiose, but pushing through and breaking the barriers made me the first step. With my previous corporate experiences, I have developed my dealings with people through customer service and customer experience.

My first venture will succeed and eventually take it to the next level. With the people who tirelessly and continuously support me on my back, I will focus and finish what I have started. It always feels good to create and learn something new. It even challenges us to keep it running, moving forward, and reaching its peak. 

In this venture, there's no place for giving up, and there's always a will to keep moving. Having more patience and dedication would fuel it to success. 

The World of Entrepreneurship is overwhelming. To have planted a seed and nourished it to grow would be more challenging. We keep on improving and finding ways to make our dreams bound to materialize. It May have been a thousand miles away from expected reality and may take years to cultivate and harvest, but it could be more rewarding and fulfilling. 

A New Beginning 

Before the year ends, some events may have shaken us. 
  • Death. A loved one may have gone, but the memories will remain in our hearts. It may be an absence of life, but it begins a new, incredible journey in the afterlife. It's not about saying goodbye until we see each other again. We give respect, gratitude, and honor for a well-lived life and will forever cherish the meaningful days shared. 
  • Birth. A new beginning may be a rebirth or a new birth. Just before celebrating Christ's birth, we welcomed the birth of my nephew,  Matthew, whose name means "Gift from God," an angel of God. 
  • Hope. When all else fails, one thing that gives us confidence and courage is hoping for something out of or beyond our control. We can never have it all. However, we can achieve our best realities when we hope for the best. Our hopes and dreams are fueled by our passion, desire, and commitment to live our best lives, and this hope keeps us moving forward. 


Opportunities are endless, and the year 2018 created a tsunami-like reality. Creating health awareness inspires people to commit to a healthier living in an environment with less stress and not away from home.
  • Family. Family is the source of inspiration and motivation to move on. They support us in our goals and make our dreams come true. I take pride in my family and will forever be grateful for their love. 
  • Friends. We cherish the great memories from old and new friends for meaningful friendships. They may not have been connected for years, but pleasant memories connect the gap. We cherish those who have not forgotten us and keep those who remain. There are connections we have to cut and others we would have to build. 

Before the year ends, assessing what life has been and what opportunities we have fought for is a good feeling. There's no perfect year; either we win some or lose some. The battle will always be there as we become more fierce than ever. We will remain grounded in our realities and connected with our families and communities.

As the year passes, our world becomes more significant, and our responsibility becomes more outstanding. With faith in God and other divine beings, we will surely win in the game of life.

The Christmas season is closer to my heart, and I never fail to give a reflection since 2011, when I started blogging. This is the season of renewal and recollection. A season of love and a celebration of love and life. 

© 2018 Del Cusay

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Hope For Humanity: A Life Worth Living

2013 was probably the worst disaster that hit the Philippines, my beloved country. The day when the most destructive typhoon killed thousands of lives and families left homeless. November 8, 2013, was a nightmare to consider. Several lives were lost instantly, and many people suffered from post-traumatic stress. They were helpless, didn't know what to do, and felt abandoned and neglected. It killed innocent lives, the hopes and dreams of many people, families living simple lives, and those who have just started building their lives. It was all gone due to a significant impact caused by Typhoon Yolanda, internationally known as Haiyan.

As a disaster-prone country, we've learned to adapt to almost every calamity. We've shown the world the Resilience of The Filipino Spirit, a spirit as strong as titanium yet as gentle as a pearl. We've learned to recover and stand up again despite the miseries we've experienced. We struggle, we cry, we laugh, and we smile. That's the cycle of life we're meant to live. In the Philippines, that's our reality. We are waterproof, no matter what challenges we're facing. We Filipinos are tough, but our souls feel the pain that makes us feel helpless, meaningless, and lacking direction and purpose. We become lost and wanderers in body, mind, and spirit, but we always find our way back.

The destruction of humanity caused by climate change is the greatest challenge of this century. We have caused significant damage to the earth and suffer the consequences; hence, disaster is becoming a regular occurrence, and we must learn how to fight to survive. Yes, we are survivors of this archipelago of stormy seas. Our survival instinct guides our actions to escape from harm and danger. Our bodies may have become weak, but our spirit still has the energy to live. That is Perseverance in Times of Despair, which is what we develop in our character. We became fearless, and we endured all the pain.

As a survivor, I've learned to acknowledge the crucial importance of saving our environment, our nature, and the habitat we live in. We must preserve the forestry that is becoming denuded and create awareness for those who don't care. It's easy to become greedy and busy with the destruction of nature just to gain wealth. But for us, that path leads to suffering. Those who are careless and don't think about the welfare of others are contributing to the destruction of humanity. It's our responsibility to protect our environment and ensure a better future for all.

A simple way of expressing disgust for environmental destruction and supporting the ecological protection drive would mean a lot. I believe there are still better leaders with a voice and influence to beat the destroyers, the environment killers. I give my support to those who care for humanity and the world. There's nothing more worth living than a peaceful and heaven-on-earth experience. When we sleep so deep and wake up with higher hopes and goals to accomplish. When we live in harmony with nature and keep our balance as we progress. There is nothing more in life than to keep everything fair and just.

My previous life experiences have made me stronger and made me think extraordinarily. My Life's Greatest Challenge prepared me for a more significant role in serving humanity through personal transformation and higher consciousness. I've been prepared for disaster preparedness for a possible worst-case scenario. The world is ever-changing and unpredictable. However, we can always foresee events based on current trends. Today, we are Dealing with The Impact of Climate Change. That's our reality, and we are now living in it. We can't stop it, but we can prepare for the worst thing to come to entirely survive. I mean not only on a physical level but also on emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. It's within our power to transform ourselves and positively impact the world. Life is good, and it is worth living to have a negligible influence on others. We can make an impact in our own way based on what we believe is right and for the betterment of other people. Our humanitarian actions will go a long way, creating a ripple of kindness and goodwill to improve the world. Our Heart's Desire: To live a Humanitarian Life Heart's Desire: To live a Humanitarian Life that will influence others to stand up and act for better mankind. We have higher hopes for ourselves, but we are also hoping more for humanity's future. As I remember, service life is a life worth living and well lived -- the humanitarian way.

© 2017 Del Cusay

Monday, June 12, 2017

119th Philippine Independence Day: Freedom in Our Hearts

Philippine national hero Jose Rizal, a visionary leader, once expressed his deepest sympathy against massive aggression by foreign invaders against his countrymen. In his younger years, he witnessed the abuses and suffering of his own family and carried all the emotional baggage of his youth until he became a full-grown man.

In his youthful days, Rizal was already a champion in many ways, and he has proven his capacity through outstanding leadership in his family and the community where he belongs. He was a great believer in the youth and their power to do great things, so he once uttered,  "The youth is the hope of the Fatherland," a heroic statement we always remember. Back then, Rizal was just a little boy, but he had a powerful physical, mental, and emotional character, a commendable trait in his time. 

Today, after more than a century, how many of us in our generation have inherited those traits of a hero? Who among our youth has shown the most profound respect and concern about our nation? How many Filipinos genuinely care and will continue to fight for the freedom that we have achieved through the years? Becoming a hero is never easy, but becoming nationalistic is a meaningful expression of what it is like to become a true Filipino.

Conflicts, violence, and wars continue to happen in our time. It is unending and keeps repeating itself and becoming much worse than ever. Filipinos continue to suffer the consequences of false beliefs and the egocentric mindset of some Filipinos who would spread terror and invade the peaceful land, making it chaotic, disorganized, and ruined.

With the sad fate in Southern Mindanao, Marawi City is another victim of conflict and war between Islamic State radical Muslims and the Philippine Government troupes. People lost their peace and sense of freedom to do the things enjoyed by ordinary Filipino citizens. We have lost several brave souls who fought for the dark forces. They have sacrificed their lives for the call of duty: to protect and defend our country and its people against oppressors.

We have lost our freedom. Our countrymen, The Maranao people, are enslaved by fear and struggle to recover their lives, rebuild and stand again, and continue to live despite the odds. It is not only the Maranaos but the entire Philippine islands; the Filipino people also showed the deepest sympathy. We have mourned and expressed our emotions, and we are concerned about the welfare of our brothers and sisters who are in trouble. 

It's difficult not to care about what is happening, especially when dealing with terrorism. We might live in a city far away from the bombings, but we could be the next target. It's easy to be complacent when we feel more secure and guarded. It's easy to get numbed of the unending conflicts and wars. However, ultimately, we cry out loud for our misery when we suffer and become victims. When our country is no longer safe, we can only hope for more protection and salvation to escape various threats. We could hope for a superhero to defend us from invasion and bring back our freedom. We long for a powerful Divine intervention to fill in peace and love in all our hearts.

Once lost, our freedom will always find its way back on track. As we remain hopeful and resilient, we will always regain what is lost and fill in what is empty until we become whole again. The Filipino spirit is one of resilience and hope. As we fight for our freedom and contribute to nation-building, we will see a united nation working together for the common good, and the loss of national identity will find its meaning.

Do we still care about what is happening these days? Are the youths of today willing to sacrifice their comfort to express their fearless views and show solidarity? Are the Filipinos ready to fight again to regain freedom and establish peace in our land? We might not feel it, but the heroism of Rizal is always in our hearts. His legacy, courage, and love for the Philippines are the greatest gifts he has given us, and we must uphold the strength and power we are bestowed. We have the blood of a hero running in our veins, and we could face any obstacle in our quest for lasting peace and order. We will not accept defeat, and goodness will always reign in us. We can't be sure that history will break itself and not be bound to happen again. However, one thing is sure; whatever happens, we will always stand as one... one Philippines ... one Filipino people. 

I am a Filipino, and I am part of our nation-building. I will uphold and respect our laws and constitution. I will be a freedom fighter. Freedom leads to peace, and liberty will always reign in our hearts. As a Filipino, I am committed to nation-building. I will uphold and respect our laws and constitution. I will be a freedom fighter, contributing to establishing peace and the reign of liberty in our hearts.

© 2017 Del Cusay

Monday, May 1, 2017

The Crossroads: Hope in Uncertain Times

Every day is a journey that we battle. We expect to arrive from the road we choose to take and the destination. Along the way are different noises not only from the physical environment but also from one's mind — the noise from our thoughts. These noises either distract or enable us to give more focus to the filtered ideas; the good ones create more fulfillment at that very moment. When traveling a distant mile seems uncomfortable and inconvenient to others, some would feel the opposite thoughts and emotions. Though painful at times, it is the chaos that sometimes we unleash the power within  our emotional desires from powerful thoughts and intentions. 

That little discomfort is a struggle and challenge to fight and learn to overcome. When we are overwhelmed with negativity, we suddenly choose how to respond. To ignore is never the ultimate way to escape, but to face it with fierceness and the boldest intentions to hit it and see the path with the most transparent view. This fierce determination helps us overcome the obstacles that life throws at us. The obstacles give us a viewpoint to surrender or to take a deeper breath, giving us clarity of mind and appropriate decisions. Back when there was a bit of physical discomfort in a long journey, there was uncertainty about what lay ahead. However, the excitement and a good conversation gave meaning despite the uncertainty. We learn to find balance and soulful healing for others and ourselves when not at our best selves. Then, we feel some relief and recovery from within. 

In an uncertain moment, we may feel disheartened by conflicts in relationships. It may be brought by fears and pains from the past and worries about the future. We can't escape from the negativity affecting us so profoundly, but giving it out to others to have a share of discomfort and misery creates undesired energy pulling us down. When one is in conflict from the inside, others will absorb that emotional disturbance, causing stress and anxiety. That's terribly draining energy! No matter how we try to shield ourselves, it would still penetrate on the deepest soul level. Shielding from negativity won't give a lasting solution, but paying attention to the cause and healing past life struggles and miseries will. 

The Road Ahead: Dealing With Life's Uncertainties is an audit of previous life experiences of hope in uncertain times. When false hope gives a false perception of reality, genuine hope gives clarity and the ultimate fulfillment of a soulful journey, transforming your reality and eradicating fear and uncertainty. The powerful force of self-awareness activates optimistic hopes and dreams that ignite one's life purpose — our heart's desire. This is the highest hope we can give to ourselves, a hope that will benefit the greater good. As we follow different paths, the inner compass still ignites and guides us all the way out, even in the most uncertain and unexpected moments.

 © 2017 Del Cusay

Saturday, March 18, 2017

The Circle of Life: Turning Back Time

Time travel is impossible in a world that is preoccupied with the present and future living. What life may appear in ten or fifteen years or beyond? What plan will I execute today that will change the compass of life? Clueless of what's going on enables one to reminisce and daydream forward. Going back or beyond the present time gives a glimpse of a meaningful journey of existence. When life's ups and downs knock you out, it is not a punitive reaction but to awaken from a deep slumber of an impossible dream or maybe a worst nightmare. Reflecting on the past and future is a powerful tool for personal growth and understanding.

A 'big bang' once changed my life like a poke in the head. That was intense and painful beyond the physical level- a different spiritual awakening ever! I couldn't resist, but to follow the inner compass -- a trusted barometer of life's goal and a future self. As I was saved from the fiery place, it was a significant redirection, like an instant decision without a doubt. The 'big bang' that saved me, no matter how painful it has been, may also be the 'big bang' that will help transform others in their own ways; inspiring them to make wise decisions without guilt and take bold actions that are mighty. No matter what life hits us, it always depends on how we react and accept that we are vulnerable to untoward decisions resulting from faulty thoughts.

Going back in time, one realizes one's potential and lives his most extraordinary life because of the right choices and no blockages. As smooth as it flows, life has moved as fast and furious as there's no way of turning back. It was the best way of reaching ahead as fast as possible -- no distractions and defying limitations. Reaching the peak has some valleys that are tricky to navigate. Lost along the way may be challenging, but regaining oneself gave a hard lesson not really to follow a 'fast but sure' policy, but one's own pace of living.

Back in the days when life seemed rough, it gave me the courage to become braver and live in the present time. This is the moment in time that is more realistic, providing less stress than dwelling on the past and a future dream that is overwhelming. As I turn back time, it creates either wonderful or sorrowful memories that may be carried over merit to the present and the future. The past may be ignored. However, it could be the key to understanding the present reality. Having been somewhere doesn't mean the end of further exploration of what more it has to offer. One has to come back numerous times and enjoy a different perspective of living, learning from each experience.

The circle of life is a fantastic journey of giving in and giving up. Giving in to right thinking and decisions and giving up to unwanted thoughts and impulsive actions. By returning time, I recall the good and the bad days where I learned and persevered. Keeping the challenge helps to correct and improve the knots; when untangled, it becomes a linear direction one has to go through. Reliving memories creates a nostalgic experience; in those times, we learn to grow and become better than ever. The circle of life is terrific, and the experience of turning back time is meaningful and blissful not only in the present but for a lifetime.

© 2017 Del Cusay

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Heart's Desire: Living A Humanitarian Life

This day marks the beginning of a new journey to life, the start of a soulful experience of a higher self beyond the physical realm of existence. This day also marks the re-discovery of the true self beyond ego and lower emotions. When the lost soul wanders, it will find its place to regain its self and follow the guiding light, a journey that holds the transformative power of self-discovery.

Although the lost chapters may be out of sight, those darkest moments find a way to escape, leading to a brighter and more fulfilling journey. Through deeper self-reflection, one has to find the right path and live with one's soul purpose—the so-called dharma, which is the inherent nature of an individual, the duty or righteous path one must follow in life.

The darkest moments in life are the unheard hopes and aspirations, the endless sufferings, and the blockages to living a better life. Being redirected down a long tunnel is to experience the reality of the negative side of the physical world—to experience not just the good but also the unfavorable things beyond personal control. 

To be human is to experience suffering. Learn from it and continue to seek the answer; find the truth and be the guiding light to those who wander. When you've been there, it will be easy to relate to the suffering one is dealing with, and you will become a master of your life—your thoughts and emotions.

Those years when I started to discover another dimension of life were a great spiritual experience and a time of personal transformation. It wasn't easy at the beginning. You have to undergo self-restraint and a sense of control over thoughts and emotions. It was only then that lower emotions were defeated through the enlightenment of the nature of man's suffering—endless suffering.

The initiation into the path brought significant change not only to self but also to the greater world. Being called to serve humanity and the world revealed the spiritual powers vested in me, and it became a way of life, a source of profound fulfillment and inspiration.  

Understanding the nature of humanity requires certain values one must learn to live. It was then that I learned to unleash the innate love and compassion that is the core of our being. I couldn't have given it to people without a deeper understanding and love of myself. I have loved myself and given it away, fostering a deep sense of empathy and connection with others.

Truly, humanitarian service is the most significant expression of love and compassion. To regain me is to continue the lost journey. It will be challenging, but it will be rewarding.

 Following Our Heart's Desire serves as a guide to living one's purpose. For me, service to humanity through education and personal development is the path—the sole purpose to live and master not only today but for a lifetime.

© 2017 Del Cusay

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Good Governance Towards A Better Philippines

Our beloved nation, the Philippines, has not only been the focus of controversies since the beginning of Duterte's presidency, but these negative events have also catapulted us onto the global stage, making us newsmakers worldwide. 

The international community has condemned our president's undiplomatic approach to governance and communications. We may enjoy the attention gained, but we may also suffer the consequences of our president's madness and impatience with solving the social problems of our time: poverty, corruption, crimes... 

What is wrong with our President's government policies? Is he just being misunderstood, or is he confused and incapable of leading a nation of more than a hundred million? How could our President exercise good governance by being undiplomatic, irrational, and showing violent social behavior? 

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Our people, the Filipino people, deserve and require clear, unambiguous, and serious communication, especially from the president, whose messages and major pronouncements carry significant weight. The president's words to the Filipino people must be precise and not open to multiple interpretations from his communications team.

Since the beginning of his presidency, we have observed some vague statements later interpreted by his secretaries to defend him from further embarrassment. There's a circus in communication, and that has caused confusion among the Filipino people. Is there something wrong with the president's way of communication? 

The Filipino people deserve clearer communication from our leaders. Chaos due to misunderstanding happens when we play with words we don't mean. We can decipher the truth from a false statement. We do not only hear, but instead, we listen and try to understand every single word coming from the most powerful man in our land. 

Great power bestowed on our president comes with greater responsibility to his people. He is responsible for his words, thoughts, and emotions. What is happening to our society now is miscommunication among our government leaders, especially the president.

We are now suffering from a significant mistake in communication. For instance, the president has been clear from the beginning that the war on drugs will be bloody. We have been hearing statements like  "I will kill you" and non-stop cursing, which is highly unacceptable and unbecoming of a statesman.

The President had planted a negative seed of thought in his men -- to the law enforcers on his war on drugs. His thought forms suggest that extrajudicial killing is a must to eradicate crimes due to illegal drug use and trading. He even admitted that he had killed alleged criminals by shooting to show to the policemen that if he can do it, why can't they. 

The president's communication style has not only influenced the minds of our law enforcers but has also directly impacted our lives. The negative seed of thought he has planted has led to the corruption of our law enforcement, resulting in extrajudicial killings and other unfortunate events that we now witness in our country.

The war on drugs accompanied by due process is good. However, abuses like extrajudicial killing are not tolerable. We can't tolerate a lawless society, which will never lead to a peaceful country we want to achieve. 


Corruption is a never-ending political and social problem that our country has been facing. It is like a cancer of our society, and it has never been eradicated, just like our problem with illegal drugs and criminality. The president has to focus on solving the root cause of our societal cancer and set an example of a leader who is not only in words but also in deeds and thoughts. He should not corrupt the minds of his people. Corruption is not only in the form of money but also in our moral, emotional, and spiritual beliefs. 

The President has challenged our church leaders who consistently fight for injustices and immorality in our society. He has cursed our priests, bishops, and even the Pope. The President corrupted our principles when he embraced China against our territorial rights in the West Philippine Sea. The President has corrupted our good relationship with our long-time ally, the United States. The President has corrupted the minds of the Filipino people with his stand on morality and the justice system.  


We have taught our children the correct values in school. However, this approach must be strengthened, and the family must actively participate. Values education enhances one's character and personality. If we can raise well-disciplined and responsible citizens, we can have a better world. 

We can envision a society free from conflicts and wars. For years, we have been at war, and that is a war on poverty, crimes, and now the war on drugs, which is not the ultimate root cause of our social problem. We have to eliminate poverty consciousness and replace it with an abundance mindset. We will tire of fighting our social problems if we do not return to the basics. What is really happening within the family? What about our upbringing? Whatever happened to the teachings of our parents and of the church? 


It's about time to consider what is most important. According to Senator Angara, good governance also means good politics. Since we see something wrong with our leaders' political stance and strategies, we have not yet achieved good governance. It is for everyone, not just for our leaders. Even ordinary citizens have to contribute to good governance.

For years, we have been fighting for freedom of expression, and today's generation is empowered to speak up for truth backed up by good values and character. We deserve a better Philippines and should not wait for our leaders. We can also do it! As we work together for peace and progress, we can leave a good legacy for the next generation, and they will enjoy the just and clean society they deserve. 

© 2017 Del Cusay

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Resilience of the Filipino Spirit: A Year After Typhoon Yolanda

Today, we remember the innocent lives lost, the cry for help, and the desperate actions, but we also recognize the unsung heroes. These heroes, from the brave rescue workers to the selfless volunteers, have sacrificed their time, energy, and sometimes even their lives to help our countrymen start another chapter of their lives. We thank those who have shared their sympathy and delivered humanitarian services to our people. We are not alone and are blessed by your kindness and generosity.

A year ago, the Philippines experienced one of the worst catastrophes ever experienced. Typhoon "Haiyan," with the local name"Yolanda," became our land's deadliest calamity and a global humanitarian crisis. Thousands of people risked their lives. However, some were not lucky enough to survive. Several families lost their loved ones. They also lost their homes, properties, and sources of living. It was perhaps the most unforgettable and painful emotion ever felt by those greatly affected by the tragedy.

On November 8, 2013, almost the entire Visayan region was severely hit by a massive and destructive force that others wouldn't have expected to happen or even experience. Even when there was enough preparation by the local government and the announcement of the weather bureau, the effect was so strong that it washed out the coastal village and destroyed the entire city of "Tacloban" in the province of Leyte located in the central Visayas region. This place was severely hit by the onslaught of the typhoon. 

I was in a foreign land when the calamity happened, and what I could do was offer a prayer to the people and the place, as well as to my loved ones who are also residing in the affected region. It could break a heart to see images and videos on television about the aftermath of the typhoon. Some people might have survived, but they are not totally survivors since they fought for food, water, and shelter and died from hunger. Although they may have survival instincts, others have sacrificed dignity and virtues and resort to looting and fighting to feed their family to survive.

Despite the calamity, the Filipino spirit remains unbroken. Two weeks after the catastrophe, I witnessed how Filipinos, united in their resilience, faced one of the most significant challenges in their lives. The Resilience of the Filipino Spirit has proven to the world that we are brave enough for any battles in life. We may have been deeply wounded from within, but the painful mark will leave a lasting memory of bravery and valor, a testament to our unity and solidarity

A destruction phase was experienced; however, a year later, we built our land again. We've put a smile on our faces and learned to laugh hard as if we have forgotten the worst nightmare. Yet, the journey is far from over. We are now rising above adversity and even prepared for a more substantial force beyond our control. We still need your support, your prayers, and your kindness. 

We have witnessed the signs of destruction happening here and there and are learning something from all these things. This may only be the beginning, but we must prepare for the worst thing to come. We are now dealing with uncertainty and may never know when another life will be lost. If there are lessons we need to learn, we must ponder profoundly and do our best to share. We are not only responsible for our own lives; we have something to do with our environment, nature, and our precious land. There's a more powerful message about why we must learn about adversity and reform. After all, we don't want to risk thousands of lives again and experience miserable lives. But in these lessons, we find hope and preparation for the future. 

Today, as we remember the innocent lives lost and the cry for help, we also recognize the unsung heroes. These heroes, from the brave rescue workers to the selfless volunteers, have sacrificed their time, energy, and sometimes even their lives to help our countrymen start another chapter of their lives. We thank those who have shared their sympathy and delivered humanitarian services to our people. Your sacrifices are not in vain, and we are blessed by your kindness and generosity. 

The Philippines may be a small archipelago, but Filipinos have bigger dreams and significant global contributions. We are becoming stronger and wiser; we will rise again when we join hands together. In our hearts, we do not commemorate struggles and misery but celebrate a life full of gratitude and mercy. Our global contributions, resilience, and unity are sources of pride and inspiration for us all.

© 2014 Del Cusay