Showing posts with label oprah's lifeclass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oprah's lifeclass. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Oprah's Lifeclass: What Is Keeping You from Being a Star in Your Own Life

Oprah and Dr. Phil have shared insights on one of the most challenging questions... How to be the star of your own life? 

Whether we want to take full responsibility for our lives regarding relationships, careers, and goals, then we can achieve what it is to feel like the star we are meant to be. 

Here are some of my answers to these challenging questions in this episode...

1.  Think about your choices to create a positive outcome. What is it you're doing that's working?

Recently, it has been easier for me to attract people and circumstances. These images in my mind turn out to become a reality. You get things as desired if you put your mind and attention to them. 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Oprah's Lifeclass: Changing Your Outlook

Oprah, and one of the most charismatic American Spiritual leaders, Joel Osteen, discussed the power of "I Am" or the positive self-talk we do, which could lead to success or failure. Words that we utter verbally or just thought to give power to who we become and significantly impact how we live in the future. 

How often do we tend to focus on the flaws or imperfections in our lives? How does it affect the perception of ourselves and how people around us would feel the vibrations we are sending out to them? These limiting and destructive thoughts can be blocked by changing our outlook on who we are and how we can attain the life we deserve.

Here are some of the questions I've answered about the topic.

1. At this very moment, how would you finish the following sentence? I am_______.

At this moment, 'I am courageous and have the will to do things as planned. 'I am happy and contented about the things happening in my life, and I have to strive harder for more positive and meaningful things to come. 'I am grateful for the blessings that have come and look forward to more prosperity and abundance. I am strong and will continue to persevere through life challenges to become a better person. 

2. Whatever follows 'I am' will come looking for you. What has been following you for years? How does this make you look at your 'I am' statement differently?

In a universal law of attraction, I always believe that 'thoughts eventually become a reality if we focus on the words I am telling myself. I don't chase success. Instead, I do my best in a particular task, and success follows. For instance, I tell myself, 'I am' courageous and determined for my goal, then positive forces act upon my uttered words, turning them into a reality. Thoughts are living energies and vibrations that attract success and fulfillment if accompanied by willpower. 

3. What are you putting out to the world? What 5 'I ams' do you say on most days?

Not all days are good. However, I have the power to change that kind of feeling by diverting my attention to more purposeful ways. Things can be achieved faster if I exert my total capacity and not minding negativity. If I put much effort, there's substantial energy I've released, and it will have a positive effect in return. 

On most days, I often tell myself that 'I am' blessed. 'I am' strong. 'I am' courageous. 'I am' joyful, and 'I am' becoming better.

4. Are you going through a difficult time when you think things are happening to you? What if you start to realize that things are happening to you. How does that change your perspective?

Sometimes, not-so-favorable circumstances happen, like dealing with difficult people, but it is not a reason to give up because they will soon become out of your way. Just pay attention to a specific goal, and good things will come. Having faith and belief in self more than anybody would put seeds of negativity into what can be accomplished. 

5. What if you took it further and recognized that you could handle the challenges? How does that make you feel?

 Life throws many challenges, some of which can be handled well. It would take courage and endurance to beat the odds. Working on challenges and conquering them is very rewarding. Getting more confident and assertive in taking life's battles, fighting, and not surrendering. 

6. How do you define success?

I define success as the 'achievement of a particular goal,' whether short or long-term. Success is not the end target, and stopping from there is. When I feel successful in a particular goal, it adds to my self-worth, and its cumulative effect gives me a sense of fulfillment.

7. What 'I am' statement are you integrating into your life?

'I am' grateful for the gift of life and the strength to serve and improve myself.

© 2013 Del Cusay

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Oprah's Lifeclass: What on Earth Am I here For?

In a discussion with Oprah, one of my favorite Spiritual teachers, Rick Warren, gave an insight into one of the most essential questions of existence: What on earth am I here for? 

As a motivational speaker and writer, Rick Warren has inspired millions through his book The Purpose Driven Life, which is my all-time favorite. 

Yes, we find an answer to this thought-provoking question, what on earth am I here for? Here are my insights on the topic. 

1.  According to Rick Warren, everybody lives at one of the three levels of life; the first level is survival, where people put in their time, wait for the weekend, and just go through the motions. Would you consider yourself at the survival level? If so, why? 

I've been through this level in life. I was not sure about the path I was taking and the future that lay ahead. I missed productive days and was content with what I had. Day after day, I felt incomplete and empty deep inside. This was just a recent past; things have changed, and I have taken the vows of a more productive life and a life of purpose. 

2. What would it take to be more fulfilled in your life?

As I've learned, there's a profound difference between happiness and fulfillment. We often chase happiness, a fleeting emotion that comes and goes. But true fulfillment, that's something deeper. It's a state of being that leaves a lasting imprint on our hearts and minds. 

3. The second level is a success. People at this level live a comfortable life, have a roof over their heads, and most have what they want. Yet, they still feel unsatisfied and need help figuring out why. Are you at the success level? If so, describe your life.

I must say, 'I don't have everything, but I have enough.' I'm living a quiet, comfortable life where I can do things I desire. However, sometimes, I ask for more, but not for material and superficial things. I'm asking for what is truly essential in my life. Something that I could do for others and the commitment to serve.

4. What would it take for you to live with purpose?

To know our purpose, we must assess ourselves based on what we are good at: our excellence. I have discovered my skills and am doing my best to cultivate them and make better use of them to achieve my goals of living a life of purpose. 

5. Question of existence. Why are you alive? 

I am alive because I have something to fulfill in life. I have goals and dreams that are yet to be accomplished. I live to serve, and there are tasks ahead of me for self-ministry. 

6. Question of intention. Is there a purpose for your life? If so, what is it?

For me, the ultimate purpose of life is service. It's about giving back, sharing the blessings I've received, and living a life of meaning. This is where true significance lies, in the impact we make on others and the world around us. 

7. Question of significance. Does your life matter?  

Everyone matters in their own way. I must believe in my issues in life because I have been blessed to serve in my own capacity and ability. I have asked for and received it, so I have something to give. It doesn't matter to be significant, but what matters is meaningful living--living with a purpose. 

© 2013 Del Cusay

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Oprah's Lifeclass: Dreaming Big Life Work

When working for a dream, Joel Osteen, an American motivational speaker, shared with Oprah that it's more important to look back at how far you've come rather than focusing on how farther you have to go with your dreams. Gratitude is also essential in dreaming something big, and it is done through recognition of the blessings that come. 

I'm sharing my thoughts on several questions on working with 'Dreaming a Big Life.' 

1.  What do you believe is possible for yourself? If your answer is "nothing," why do you think that?

Everything is possible to acquire or achieve if I have strong willpower and then follow my actions. I have proven that whatever I want to achieve, I have to ask for it, believe it will happen, and then celebrate the achievement.

2.  Are you wishing or dreaming for something to happen? How can you change your wish so that it becomes a dream?

To wish or to dream could be synonymous. Wishful thinking is creating thoughts to produce future results, while dreaming is a goal waiting to materialize at any time. More important is to conceive ideas through a wish or a dream, have the will to achieve it, and reap the rewards afterward.

3.  Things don't happen overnight. What do you wholeheartedly believe you're meant to do?

Success in any endeavor is a cumulative effect of constant positive actions. What I do presently will predict who I am and what I will be destined to become. The present time is the key to the future. I may never know the lot, but I am determined to achieve my desires.

4.  What is your heart's dream (not material stuff like making money or getting a fancy car)? What truly fulfills you?

Material things are not my ultimate source of joy, although it makes me feel good. Success is short-lived, but to become fulfilled leaves a lasting bliss. What I can offer to my family and others fulfills me. Fulfillment is not based on age nor a destination, but a deeper and constant emotion of something achieved no matter what status you hold and whatever adversities will come.

5.  Are you pursuing a life or chasing a dream that isn't yours? If so, what is it?

Whatever I do is the result of my personal choice. I have the freedom to follow what I want to become. However, I need people to guide me on where I am heading. I still follow my life mentor, spiritual teachers, and even advice from family and friends. They all have a big part and contribution to my life and the achievement of my dreams.

6.  Instead of looking at the road ahead, Joel Osteen says, you sometimes need to look back and be grateful for what you already have. What are you most thankful for? What goodness has been brought into your life already?

It is essential to look at what lies ahead; that is vision. Nevertheless, looking back could lead to being stuck in the past, especially if there's an intense emotional attachment to specific events. I believe in being grateful for the blessings that have happened, whether from the past or present. Gratitude makes us open to more benefits that will come our way. In my life, I am grateful for having a supportive family and my unique skills/talents. It gives me joy and the feeling of prosperity--that life is abundant with blessings once recognized.

7.  Has anyone told you that your dream isn't possible? How will you use your energy to believe and not worry if you're feeling negative or discouraged?

There were moments from the past when I have been told, 'I can't make it' or 'I'm not that good,' followed by facial grimaces and derogatory statements. However, I choose to be optimistic rather than being affected. I know my capabilities and my limitations. I'm not easily discouraged and don't give up despite hindrances. Some people fear you will make it and would rather criticize than support you. 

In my blog post, "Following Our Heart's Desire, " I've shared my thoughts that we can achieve everything we want"Following Our Heart's Desire,," I've shared my thoughts that we can achieve everything we wanted if we genuinely aspire and need it. Otherwise, some will think our dreams are only possible once it is done.

8.  Every time a negative thought comes into your mind, replace it with a positive one. Do this for an entire day. Then, rate your day. Did it feel life-changing?

Sometimes it works, but it is also good not to block it immediately; I have to feel and understand it. It only means that my instincts are working and would depend on the proper judgment. If I've made the right decision and judgment, that's the time I feel inner peace and contentment.

9.  Is there an example of a time a door closed in your life--and a door to something even better opened? Can you see now why the first door was completed on purpose?

There were instances when I needed to get what I wanted. There were unanswered wishes and dreams or still working in progress, but I believe it happens for a reason. I realized that I was not ready to receive the blessings. Whenever I get something unexpected and opposite to what I've wished for, that's the right opportunity for me.

10.  Do you expect good things in your life? What do you expect now? Or what will you start expecting?

I see the bright side of life and that good things are about to happen anytime soon or soon. I don't want to expect it because it means I am very sure of what lies ahead, but I believe in myself that something good is already happening.

© 2012 Del Cusay

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Oprah's Lifeclass: On Living Fearlessly

The Lifeclass event, a significant gathering in New York, drew a large audience and I was fortunate to be part of it through a live webcast.

I've understood that fear is a natural part of life and not something to be feared. The key is to acknowledge it but not let it dictate your actions. I've had my share of fears but also learned to push through them, refusing to let them hold me back.

In the interview, Oprah asked 10 questions about 'living on fear' based on the discussion with Tony Robbins. It was indeed a thought-provoking query that challenged me. Here's my answer to the questions:

1.    What is the story you are telling yourself right now? What self-limiting beliefs are within that story?

I've always believed in my ability to achieve my goals. I've learned that success comes to those who focus on their objectives and have the courage to see them through.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Oprah's Lifeclass Lesson 25 : "You've Always Had the Power"

Watching Oprah's Lifeclass (Season 1) via webcast has been a transformative journey for me. Each session delved into life's profound topics, sparking introspection and personal growth. Here are some of the thought-provoking questions that have guided my reflections on the Lifeclass by Oprah.

1. You have the power—and the responsibility—to make your life better. How will you own that power?

Empowered with inherent and acquired abilities, I steer the course of my life. The responsibility to shape my destiny lies solely with me. It's crucial to preserve and refine this power, using it judiciously for my own growth and well-being.

2. Who would you be, and what would you do if you had no fearful beliefs?

I would have become a great speaker or writer had I gained enough confidence and had no fears or doubts.

3. Look at your life: This is a portrait of your beliefs. What is beautiful about it? What's troubling? What will you change—because you can?

What's beautiful about my life is the presence and support of my family and friends. They always support my dreams and goals and inspire me to move forward despite adversities that come my way. What's troubling me is my fear and doubt of my capabilities and the use of my power. Sometimes, I feel that I am not enough, not capable, and incompetent. Since I can do something if I trust myself, I have to move out of my comfort zone and start to renew my life so I can achieve my dreams and attain success in life.

4. How do you define "success"? What has truly made you happy in the past? Are you pursuing your version of success or someone else's? Can you choose yours?

Success is the attainment of my goal or dream, whether simple or ambitious. My previous accomplishments have made me truly happy in my personal life and career. I follow my own version of success, and at the same time, I also follow another success coach because I can learn a lot from their wise ideas and because they are more accomplished people. I can choose to go with my own definition of success and also with my success coach's life lessons.

5. Describe your highest hopes. Now ask, "What would be better"? Keep asking this until you can't imagine anything better. That's your new dream.

My highest hopes are to become respected and an expert in my field of expertise and to become a better person who has achieved and proven something.

6. How will you sustain your hope and faith when times get tough? Do you have a plan in place for nurturing yourself in the moments your faith wavers?

When times get tough, I have to remain strong and believe in myself. I should never give up, but instead, I have to rise up from where I have fallen. I must be able to move on since life is indeed a cycle. There are moments in life when I feel down, and sometimes I feel good. Life is good, so I have to live my most extraordinary life.

7. Do you still define success according to how much stuff you have or how admired you are? Notice that this is the ego's definition. Gently put it aside and notice how your spirit defines success.

Success is not only defined or measured by material possessions but also by the quality of life you're living. I have to ask myself, am I the same person now as I was three years ago or even three months ago? Have I gained valuable virtues and values and learned from my life's lessons? Am I truly a renewed person, or am I living my greatest life? If the answer is yes, I am a successful person.

8. What's one step you can take toward your vision of a fully realized life? Is there one small thing that’s part of your ideal future that you can take today?

To achieve my highest ideals and aspirations, I must renew my life in all aspects and uphold the virtues and values integral to my success. One of the factors of future success is benevolence, which is the virtue that I would like to practice today. I have learned that sharing is a good thing to do and will bring back something good to me in the future. I may never know what the future will bring, but I can predict what I do now.

9. What's the most important thing you've learned over these 25 lessons?

I have learned that life is truly worth living and fighting for. Life may be full of adversities, but I should not take them as a hindrance but as a challenge to fight for. Life is good, and I must never give up; hence, I must do my very best. I am blessed in life and must also be a blessing to others.

I am looking forward to the second season, early next year, for another knowledgeable and inspiring life lesson. The lessons that I have learned are valuable for forming my values and for creating the kind of life that I deserve. Every day is a journey, and I must live in the present, learn from the past, and prepare for my future.

© 2011 Del Cusay