Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Awakening our Spiritual Power

"A precious and brilliant gem is more polished and valuable. Just like problems - it is like polishing us to become the best we can be and become a person as brilliant as the diamond, which comes with great value and importance."

This month, we've delved into the profound concept of spiritual power, a crucial element in our personal development. This exploration was sparked by the enlightening lecture of our spiritual guide, Master Del Pe, who shared invaluable insights on how awakening our spiritual power can profoundly impact our existence and life purpose.

Here, I'm excited to share not just what I've learned from our lecture and group discussion, but also how I plan to apply this extraordinary power in my own life.

What is Spiritual Power

As humans, we possess a vast reservoir of power, some of which we have yet to tap into. We may sometimes wield this power unconsciously, leading to its unwise use. However, there exists a superior, infinite power that transcends physical might.

It is through spiritual practices and the guidance of spiritual mentors or masters that we, as spiritual practitioners, can tap into this power.

This power is not something that can be bought or taken away. It is inherent in our nature, waiting to be awakened, discovered, or harnessed for the greater good.

Developing Intuitional Power

To become intuitive, we must be able to study ideas and principles. We may have many ideas and follow different directions, so we must ponder them deeply. Becoming more intuitive is essential for our survival instinct and guides us toward understanding higher truths regarding universal truths.

Sometimes, our belief is only definite if we seek the absolute truth. What we think is just a product of our mind alone, without knowing that we are guided by different laws or principles.

For instance, I have an idea about something, but I need to prove it to be absolute since that idea may come from past experience or just creative imagination. The best thing for me to do is verify that idea or principle regarding what has been established or the universal truth that many understand and accept.

I have used my intuition in my past experiences but have done the right thing. My intuition says to act on something or decide on something, but I base my actions and decisions on my personal beliefs, which are only limited. In this case, I may have made the wrong decision or action.

With this, I have learned that it is essential to seek the universal truth to avoid the fallacy of ideas and actions. Universal truths serve as my guiding principle for attaining intuitive power and wisdom.

Likewise, using creative imagination is vital for developing intuitional power. Expressing our thoughts or ideas is a product of our creative vision. For instance, our brilliant input or output results from our mind's creativity.

The great things we see around us are a product of man's creative intelligence. In fact, we have to develop a creative imagination to achieve great things. Leaders in the global industry were able to create great products that are used today because of their minds' creativity. In our own way, we can do something great, if not for the benefit of the many, at least for ourselves, only if we use creative intelligence.

Another way of developing intuitional power is through meditation. I have been a practitioner for 8 months, which has significantly impacted my present life. There is a gradual transformation in almost all aspects of my life: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

I consider meditation my spiritual tool for nourishing my soul in a moment of silence. After that, I feel divine oneness and the healing benefits. In fact, the first post I made is about the power of meditation since it has made a remarkable transformation in my life.

Developing Wisdom Power

Some strategies for developing wisdom power include studying past experiences and digesting life lessons.

In our lives, we have been experiencing different problems that we consider obstacles or hindrances to our plans and goals. However, if we are going to reflect deeply, problems are part of the challenges we must face to become much more robust and better people.

In my life, I have encountered many problems, big or small, and I have been able to face them and look at them as a challenge rather than an obstacle. This has made me a better person, and I have learned a lesson from it that will serve as my guiding principle whenever I encounter the same problem.

The world's most accomplished people have faced tough challenges that put them where they are. We may perceive them as if they don't have a problem since they have everything, but we may never know that they have gone through difficult times before attaining success and fulfillment.

Whenever a problem comes our way, we should never give up but must fight for it.  "A precious and brilliant gem is more polished and valuable. Just like problems - it is like polishing us to become the best we can be and become a person as brilliant as the diamond, which comes with great value and importance".

Another way of developing wisdom power is being in the company of wise people or having our own life coaches or mentors. These people are considered masters of life, and they are more accomplished. Their ideas are precious and can become a source of inspiration and guidance to live a better life.

Life coaches or mentors are devoted to helping us towards the right path to achieve lasting success and fulfillment.

I have followed spiritual mentors like Bo Sanchez and other international life coaches like Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, and Master Del Pe. I have followed their blogs, articles, webcasts, and wise teachings, and I have read some of their books and gained insights about mastering life.

Those who have a mentor are more likely to succeed in life than those who do not. Even the most famous celebrities, in their expertise, have their own coaches or mentors. However, we have to be cautious about whom to follow. We must seek a mentor who can change our lives and impact us significantly. Numerous life coaches exist, but only a few are genuinely qualified and masters of life.

Metaphorical quotations can also give us wisdom, power, and intelligence. Famous people's quotes inspire us, and we can learn from them if we deeply understand their selections.

Some use metaphors that should not be interpreted literally because they have a deeper meaning. In fact, some metaphors can not get out of our minds once we have read or listened to them. They are instilled in our minds, and we use them to our benefit and to give wise sayings to others.

In our lives, we have noted several metaphorical quotations and uttered the same in our thinking. These quotations might not be well-known or recognized by many, but unconsciously, we have inspired other people and, somehow, might leave an imprint on their


Wisdom power can also be achieved through reading books and other forms of literature that are sources of knowledge and wisdom. The principles we have learned can be applied to living a better life.

One of the books I liked most is "Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren. The book is simple and easy to understand, and each chapter has challenging questions to ponder. It is a spiritual book that teaches life lessons as guiding principles.

I learned a lot from reading, and it is a lifetime education. I will continue to read, expand my mind, and share the knowledge that I have gained.

Intuitive and wisdom powers are both indispensable to attaining spiritual powers. We must apply these teachings to direct us to the right life path. We must know our life's purpose to better understand our responsibility to serve and that our spiritual powers will be our best weapon to live the better life we deserve.

© 2011 Del Cusay

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Oprah's Lifeclass Lesson 25 : "You've Always Had the Power"

Watching Oprah's Lifeclass (Season 1) via webcast has been a transformative journey for me. Each session delved into life's profound topics, sparking introspection and personal growth. Here are some of the thought-provoking questions that have guided my reflections on the Lifeclass by Oprah.

1. You have the power—and the responsibility—to make your life better. How will you own that power?

Empowered with inherent and acquired abilities, I steer the course of my life. The responsibility to shape my destiny lies solely with me. It's crucial to preserve and refine this power, using it judiciously for my own growth and well-being.

2. Who would you be, and what would you do if you had no fearful beliefs?

I would have become a great speaker or writer had I gained enough confidence and had no fears or doubts.

3. Look at your life: This is a portrait of your beliefs. What is beautiful about it? What's troubling? What will you change—because you can?

What's beautiful about my life is the presence and support of my family and friends. They always support my dreams and goals and inspire me to move forward despite adversities that come my way. What's troubling me is my fear and doubt of my capabilities and the use of my power. Sometimes, I feel that I am not enough, not capable, and incompetent. Since I can do something if I trust myself, I have to move out of my comfort zone and start to renew my life so I can achieve my dreams and attain success in life.

4. How do you define "success"? What has truly made you happy in the past? Are you pursuing your version of success or someone else's? Can you choose yours?

Success is the attainment of my goal or dream, whether simple or ambitious. My previous accomplishments have made me truly happy in my personal life and career. I follow my own version of success, and at the same time, I also follow another success coach because I can learn a lot from their wise ideas and because they are more accomplished people. I can choose to go with my own definition of success and also with my success coach's life lessons.

5. Describe your highest hopes. Now ask, "What would be better"? Keep asking this until you can't imagine anything better. That's your new dream.

My highest hopes are to become respected and an expert in my field of expertise and to become a better person who has achieved and proven something.

6. How will you sustain your hope and faith when times get tough? Do you have a plan in place for nurturing yourself in the moments your faith wavers?

When times get tough, I have to remain strong and believe in myself. I should never give up, but instead, I have to rise up from where I have fallen. I must be able to move on since life is indeed a cycle. There are moments in life when I feel down, and sometimes I feel good. Life is good, so I have to live my most extraordinary life.

7. Do you still define success according to how much stuff you have or how admired you are? Notice that this is the ego's definition. Gently put it aside and notice how your spirit defines success.

Success is not only defined or measured by material possessions but also by the quality of life you're living. I have to ask myself, am I the same person now as I was three years ago or even three months ago? Have I gained valuable virtues and values and learned from my life's lessons? Am I truly a renewed person, or am I living my greatest life? If the answer is yes, I am a successful person.

8. What's one step you can take toward your vision of a fully realized life? Is there one small thing that’s part of your ideal future that you can take today?

To achieve my highest ideals and aspirations, I must renew my life in all aspects and uphold the virtues and values integral to my success. One of the factors of future success is benevolence, which is the virtue that I would like to practice today. I have learned that sharing is a good thing to do and will bring back something good to me in the future. I may never know what the future will bring, but I can predict what I do now.

9. What's the most important thing you've learned over these 25 lessons?

I have learned that life is truly worth living and fighting for. Life may be full of adversities, but I should not take them as a hindrance but as a challenge to fight for. Life is good, and I must never give up; hence, I must do my very best. I am blessed in life and must also be a blessing to others.

I am looking forward to the second season, early next year, for another knowledgeable and inspiring life lesson. The lessons that I have learned are valuable for forming my values and for creating the kind of life that I deserve. Every day is a journey, and I must live in the present, learn from the past, and prepare for my future.

© 2011 Del Cusay

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Group or Team Power : How it can change the world...

"Group Power is essential for success, and we should not underestimate what it can do; hence, it can make or break something. We must be responsible by using this power carefully and for good intentions only."

In my previous posts, I have discussed different sources of power and given examples of some prominent people who possess such powers and how they use them to make a social impact and global influence. However, I have not included one source of power that is very important nowadays—group or team Power.

I will cite an example of how we use group power and its effect on mankind and the world. This is very timely since I am referring to the global environmental campaign of the "New7Wonders of Nature," which is the organization founded by Bernard Weber of Switzerland. The worldwide campaign started in 2007 after the "New7Wonders of The World" declaration on 7-7-7 or July 7, 2007. After 4 years, another campaign under the title of "New7Wonders of Nature" was participated by people worldwide, and on 11-11-11 or November 11, 2011 - the 7 provisional list was named by the organization's founder himself.

Upon watching the announcement video, I was filled with a sense of thrill and hope as I saw the Puerto Princesa Underground River on the provisional list. Its inclusion, while not yet official, is a powerful testament to the potential for positive change that collective action in global campaigns can bring.


The campaign started with Bernard Weber of Switzerland's simple goal of creating a global memory by garnering the participation of people worldwide. He founded the organization 2001 based on the same principle as the "Seven Ancient Wonders of the World." That list of seven wonders was attributed to Philon of ancient Greece.


I asked myself what the difference between the two great men was, and I realized that Philon's 'Seven Wonders of Ancient World' was chosen and declared only by himself since he was powerful during his time. Weber, who founded the 'New7Wonders of the World & Nature,' was selected and participated in by people globally. Thinking of the difference, I came up with 'Group Power' as the answer. Group Power is the collective strength and influence of individuals who share a common goal. It is not about the power of one individual but the combined efforts and resources of many.

The campaign's success is a testament to the power of unity. It's not just about Weber's individual power but the collective strength of all those who participated. This is the essence of 'Group Power '.

If we try to analyze, the campaign will not succeed because Weber is powerful. Indeed, he has some sources of his power, like the power of education and expertise, being an expert in filmmaking. He has the power position of being the founder of the said organization. He has control of social intelligence through his ability to attract millions of followers to his campaign. He has physical power and an energetic personality.

He also gained international fame and recognition through the Power of Media, using the Power of Nature and the Group power through the active participation of his supporters and followers. He has almost every power source, and the good thing is that he uses it wisely for a good cause.


The Philippines is a biodiverse archipelago of 7,107 islands, over a thousand of which are in Palawan. Dubbed "The Last Frontier," it is one of the largest island provinces in the country and one of the cleanest and safest places in the archipelago.

Once again, we have proven that we have something to share with the rest of the world. Through unity, we have made it possible for the Puerto Princesa Underground River to be put on the global map as one of the best ecological tourist destinations in the world.


With its reputation as the longest navigable subterranean river in the world, the Puerto Princesa Underground River is a magnificent ecological spot with a diverse ecosystem. As it journeys towards the official declaration as one of the 'New7Wonders of Nature', we can anticipate a significant boost to the country's tourism industry. The 50% increase in tourism reported by the local government of Puerto Princesa City in 2009 is a promising sign of the campaign's potential impact.


Now that the Puerto Princesa Underground River is gaining global recognition and fame, some things should be considered, including the effect of environmental progress.

Development of the city of Puerto Princesa has been ongoing since many tourists arrived recently. I watched a documentary film about Puerto Princesa City Mayor Edward Hagedorn, who invested in building truly world-class infrastructure projects in preparation for the big blessing, which is the coming of tourists from other parts of the world.

We hope the place will not be fully commercialized like other tourist destinations in the country, where the environment is sacrificed for massive income. Along with progress, possible environmental issues may arise, such as waste management, tree cutting, pollution, etc.

Palawan is truly a paradise, and it deserves to preserve its beauty and charm so the next generation can love and appreciate it. This is not only for Filipinos but also for the world's people. We can not control development, but we can do our share by protecting it and criticizing environmental neglect and abuse.

Group Power is indeed essential for success, but we must never underestimate its potential to make or break something. We are responsible for using this power carefully and with good intentions only. The saying, 'In unity there is strength,' holds true, especially today. To reach the top, we need the support of people who share our ideals and aspirations, push us to our limits, and help us raise the bar to become what we are meant to be. This responsibility should make us all feel accountable and mindful of our actions.

© 2012 Del Cusay

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Power of Nature

By uniting in simple gestures of concern for nature and supporting various environmental causes, we wield a great power. Our nature is a source of strength, and it's our responsibility to care for it and what it offers. This collective effort ensures that the beauty of our nature and its wonders will be preserved for the future generation to experience.

Nature, despite its destructive potential, also demonstrates remarkable resilience. Whether it's a natural or man-made calamity such as typhoons, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, droughts, landslides, etc., nature bounces back. This resilience is a testament to the power of the so-called 'force majeure,' an unforeseen event beyond human control. And it's a source of hope in the face of such challenges.

Many countries suffer from natural calamities and catastrophes that affect millions of people every year. The Philippines is known to be one of the world's most calamity-prone countries, and this is true. Filipinos have been the victims of these greater forces of nature, and the situation worsens yearly.


Recently, scientists have extensively studied global warming and climate change. The analysis is critical to know how much damage mankind has caused to Earth. A great debate is going on regarding this topic as it draws massive global environmental concerns, especially from environmentalists.


Each of us has a significant role in preserving and protecting our environment. Our individual actions, no matter how small, contribute to the larger goal of environmental conservation. It's our responsibility to our environment, and most people have already taken steps and will continue to do so as part of their environmental contribution and legacy. 

Unfortunately, some individuals have been negligent and driven by greed, leading to destructive actions that harm the environment. These people often underestimate the power of nature and its ability to cause harm. Activities such as illegal logging and mining, which are still prevalent today, have severe and often fatal consequences. If only these individuals were aware of the devastating effects of their actions, many lives could have been saved.


A visionary named Bernard Weber started an organization that promotes environmental preservation and protection. He is the founder and President of the "New7Wonders of Nature." The organization aims to identify and encourage natural wonders that stand out and could be world-class tourist destinations. The founder wants us to appreciate nature's importance, wonders, and beauty.

The power of Social Media has been utilized for this global campaign to choose the next 7 wonders of nature among hundreds of participant countries who joined. People can participate in this campaign by voting online through the organization's website.  You will have to choose the top 7 natural wonders of choice to be able to vote and will receive a confirmation email to let you know that your vote has been counted.


Luckily, through people's support, our underground river has been chosen and included in the top 28 finalists and the top 10. The big announcement of the "New7Wonders" will be on November 11, 2011, or 11-11-11. I am fortunate to have been part of this campaign by online voting and encouraging others to do the same to show their support. Indeed, it was an overwhelming response from them, and they have shown active participation by sharing the information with their friends.

I have ordered a personalized certificate from the "New7Wonders" website, which shows my top choice, the Puerto Princesa Underground River. This reminds me of joining this global environmental awareness, protection, and tourism campaign. This is a historical event, and I am grateful to have participated in and supported this campaign.

I am hopeful that our candidate will be on the official list of the "New7Wonders of Nature" and that we will continue to have environmental awareness in protecting and preserving the wonders of nature. 

By making simple gestures of concern for nature and supporting various environmental causes, we can all contribute to the preservation of our environment. Our nature is a precious resource, and it is our responsibility to care for it and appreciate its beauty. Let's work together to ensure that future generations can also experience the wonders of our natural world.

© 2011 Del Cusay

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Nature and Sources of Power

Understanding that power is universal and can be achieved both externally and internally is a crucial step. We must not only acknowledge but also actively develop our sources of power. This is the key to achieving lasting success and fulfillment. However, it's equally important to use our powers responsibly and wisely. Power can be temporary or permanent, inherent or acquired, and can either make or break us.

Our recent discussion on the sources of human power was enlightening. We discovered that as human beings, we often overlook the inherent powers within us. This inner power, when recognized and enhanced, can be a unique and valuable source of power, leading to lasting success. We call it Inner Power, and it's a force to be reckoned with.

On the contrary, human power is never permanent; hence, it could be a temporary possession. For instance, Political power is always temporary if an elected official has sworn to serve for a specified term. A person may be in the highest possible rank or position, but the time will come for his power to end. However, there may be some exceptions when a leader, for instance, is too greedy for power and has been practicing dictatorial leadership for a few decades. Just like the fate of the former Libyan President, no matter how long you are in a particular position or whether you are powerful enough to conquer everything, power will lose its value if it is misused.

The power of Position is a significant power source, but it's only genuinely beneficial when used for the common good, not just for self-interest. If you hold a particular position, consider the size of your responsibility and the term of your office. Some people are drawn to positions of power for the control and influence they offer. But the most influential people use their power for the greater good.

Recently, Forbes magazine published its annual list of the world's most influential people for 2011. Among the list comes President Obama - the US President being on the top. He has great political power and global influence, leading the world's most powerful economy. Bill Gates, Microsoft's founder and Chairman, is in the 5th rank. He is now known to be the most outstanding living philanthropist who co-founded the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The couple donated billions of dollars to other foundations and supported the funding of global health issues. Pope Benedict - the head of the Roman Catholic Church, is in the 7th rank. The Pope has been influential regarding the morality and spirituality of their followers. Surprisingly, the founder of the most popular social network, Facebook, is the youngest on the list and comes in the top 9. Mark Zuckerberg changed the way people communicate. His ultimate goal is to connect the world through the power of social media, which he co-founded in 2004 in a Harvard dormitory. Having more than 700 million members worldwide, Facebook has attained a certain degree of success and influence that changed global communication. Zuckerberg uses the power of media and has gained fame and prestige globally. Oprah is also one of the most respected and successful media personalities today. She has gained fortune through her media power, which she also uses for philanthropic work, which is why she is so magnetic and loved by her followers.

Another source of power is your lineage. Do you belong to a powerful clan? Do you carry a family name that is well known because of its societal influence? Then, you have got the power of lineage. For instance, the royal family is very well-known and adored by the people, and they possess power through the inheritance of the throne. At the same time, those in a political dynasty are so powerful that nobody can defeat them in the position.

Physical power is also one of the most important things. It is about your ability to execute your valuable ideas. We will have more achievements if we have the energy to do great things. However, no matter how brilliant and rich a person may be, if he is not in good health, he may not be able to achieve lasting fulfillment. Take the case of Steve Jobs as an example. When Steve was living, he was among the top global and respected leaders and one of the most influential people, but his money did not save his life. He became physically weak and gave up his position since he could not do the expected responsibility. The lesson is that we should never take our health for granted: the source of physical power. We do not have to be weak because we have a lot of potential to achieve something in life. The saying, "health is wealth," is true and powerful.

How we deal with or communicate with people is another power source. The power of social intelligence is an advantage to those who have learned and mastered the art of personal magnetism. People are charismatic and magnetic because of their personalities and ability to deal with people effectively. They have made a lot of admirers and followers and gained respect and loyalty.

Financial power is another thing that most people aspire to. Money is indeed an essential tool for survival, and it is precious. One common thing about the most influential people is their financial power. They can give away their money to those who need it. Bill Gates and his friend Warren Buffet tried to encourage their fellow billionaires to share their massive wealth with the less fortunate. They are good examples of leaders who use financial power to make a difference.

Do you have any of the sources of power mentioned? If none, then do not underestimate the power of your expertise and education. Your knowledge and wisdom are so powerful that they can lead to the sources of energy mentioned earlier and can be interrelated with other authorities. For instance, Knowledge Professionals and experts in their field have gained social intelligence through constant communication with people. They got the media's attention and later advertised their expertise to the people. And lastly, they have achieved the power of position and have made a fortune.

Power is universal and can be achieved externally or internally. For us to achieve lasting success and fulfillment, we must be able to acknowledge and develop our sources of energy. However, we must be responsible for our powers and use them wisely. Power can be temporary or permanent, inherent or acquired, and can either make or break us. We must remember that we are powerful in our own way only if we know ourselves better. As the saying goes, "Great power comes with great responsibility."

© 2011 Del Cusay

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Power of Meditation

Together with the yogis in New Delhi, India

Meditation is an ancient spiritual tool used by Yogis and Sages, mainly in the Himalayan Region. This practice has been preserved and passed down through generations.

Many studies and research have been done to prove its healing effects on the body and mind. Indeed, it's a beautiful life tool for everyone who wants relaxation and calmness of the body, mind, and spirit.

My journey as a meditation practitioner has been transformative. It has instilled a sense of calm in me, allowing me to navigate difficult situations with ease. The improvement in my memory and focus has been remarkable, making me more aware of my work and surroundings.

Meditation has helped to correct my breathing pattern since I am a shallow and fast breather. Still, I've learned that deep and regular breathing habits are essential for physical, emotional, and mental health.

Meditation is a tool for spirituality, and it's true because the Divine Beings are present in moments of silence, especially when you are ready to have a quiet moment and able to listen to inner voices.

Meditation uses particular locations, body positions, and hand seals, which have significant meanings. To be able to concentrate well during meditation, you must be in a place that is free from noise and distraction. It is also appropriate to be in an open space or well-ventilated room. The back must be aligned and straight, and the legs should be placed in a lotus or semi-lotus position, or you may sit straight on a chair to make it more practical. Hands are placed on the lap with hands facing upward. Hand seals must be used because they are a core essence of meditation and a tool for spirituality. Joining your index finger and thumb together symbolizes spiritual power, while joining the thumb and the middle finger together would mean material energy or power. Joining the thumb, index, and middle finger together would be the best practice as it is more balanced--the material and spiritual power combined.

I meditate whenever I feel stressed, fatigued, and bored, and I've proven it very effective in regaining vitality. It makes me feel more relaxed and has peace of mind. Meditation has become an indispensable tool for me, and I consider it valuable for physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health and well-being.

Initially, meditation was a practice that relied on imagination and visualization. However, for those with busy schedules, the advent of voice-guided reflections has made this ancient practice more accessible and practical.

Some meditation DVDs and books are on the market today. They can also be purchased through an online store and are available on some popular video-sharing websites. However, carefully choose which meditation products to buy and consider the author's expertise and reputation.

I'm fortunate to have been taught by an absolute master of meditation. He spent some of his beautiful moments in the Himalayas and was mentored by great masters. He has a deeper understanding of meditation practices and their hidden dangers. The knowledge and wisdom I've gained from him are beneficial in my practice and teaching others through seminars on special meditation programs he designed and created.

If you've witnessed the transformative power of meditation in your life, I urge you to give it a try. Open your mind to its potential to change your perspective and ideals.

© 2011 Del Cusay