Sunday, March 24, 2013

Oprah's Lifeclass: What on Earth Am I here For?

In discussion with Oprah, one of my favorite Spiritual teachers, Rick Warren, gave an insight into one of the most essential questions of existence: What on earth am I here for? 

As a motivational speaker and writer, Rick Warren has inspired millions through his book 'The Purpose Driven Life,' my all-time favorite. 

Yes, we find an answer to this thought-provoking question, what on earth am I here for? Here are my insights on the topic. 

1.  According to Rick Warren, everybody lives at one of the three levels in life; the first level is survival--where people are putting in their time, waiting for the weekend, and just going through the motions. Would you consider yourself at the survival level? If so, why? 

I've been through this level in life. I was not sure about the path I was taking and the future that lay ahead. I have missed productive days and was contented with what's there. Day after day, I felt incomplete and empty deep inside. This was just a recent past; things have changed, and I have taken the vows of a more productive life and a life of purpose. 

2. What would it take to be more fulfilled in your life?

I follow my goals and do things as planned to become happy and achieve a sense of fulfillment. It is a strong positive emotion and always lasting. Happiness is just temporary, while fulfillment is something that leaves an imprint in the heart and mind. 

3. The second level is a success. People at this level live a comfortable life, have a roof over their heads, and most have what they want. Yet, they still feel unsatisfied and need help figuring out why. Are you at the success level? If so, describe your life.

I must say, 'I don't have everything, but I have enough.' I'm living a quiet, comfortable life where I can do things I desire. However, sometimes, I ask for more, but not for material and superficial things. I'm asking for what is truly essential in my life. Something that I could do for others and the commitment to serve.

4. What would it take for you to live with purpose?

To know our purpose, we must assess ourselves on what we are good at; our excellence. I have discovered my skills and am doing my best to cultivate them and make better use of them to achieve my goals of living a life of purpose. 

5. Question of existence. Why are you alive? 

I am alive because I have something to fulfill in life. I have goals and dreams that are yet to be accomplished. I live to serve, and there are tasks ahead of me for self-ministry. 

6. Question of intention. Is there a purpose for your life? If so, what is it?

I believe the most crucial purpose of living is 'service.' My goal is to give back what I have been given, to share what has been showered, and enjoy a meaningful life. 

7. Question of significance. Does your life matter?  

Everyone matters in their own way. I must believe in my issues in life because I have been blessed to serve in my own capacity and ability. I have asked for and received it, so I have something to give. It doesn't matter to be significant, but what matters is meaningful living--living with a purpose. 

© 2013 Del Cusay