Sunday, May 26, 2013

Oprah's Lifeclass: Changing Your Outlook

Oprah, and one of the most charismatic American Spiritual leaders, Joel Osteen, discussed the power of "I Am" or the positive self-talk we do, which could lead to success or failure. Words that we utter verbally or just thought to give power to who we become and significantly impact how we live in the future. 

How often do we tend to focus on the flaws or imperfections in our lives? How does it affect the perception of ourselves and how people around us would feel the vibrations we are sending out to them? These limiting and destructive thoughts can be blocked by changing our outlook on who we are and how we can attain the life we deserve.

Here are some of the questions I've answered about the topic.

1. At this very moment, how would you finish the following sentence? I am_______.

At this moment, 'I am courageous and have the will to do things as planned. 'I am happy and contented about the things happening in my life, and I have to strive harder for more positive and meaningful things to come. 'I am grateful for the blessings that have come and look forward to more prosperity and abundance. I am strong and will continue to persevere through life challenges to become a better person. 

2. Whatever follows 'I am' will come looking for you. What has been following you for years? How does this make you look at your 'I am' statement differently?

In a universal law of attraction, I always believe that 'thoughts eventually become a reality if we focus on the words I am telling myself. I don't chase success. Instead, I do my best in a particular task, and success follows. For instance, I tell myself, 'I am' courageous and determined for my goal, then positive forces act upon my uttered words, turning them into a reality. Thoughts are living energies and vibrations that attract success and fulfillment if accompanied by willpower. 

3. What are you putting out to the world? What 5 'I ams' do you say on most days?

Not all days are good. However, I have the power to change that kind of feeling by diverting my attention to more purposeful ways. Things can be achieved faster if I exert my total capacity and not minding negativity. If I put much effort, there's substantial energy I've released, and it will have a positive effect in return. 

On most days, I often tell myself that 'I am' blessed. 'I am' strong. 'I am' courageous. 'I am' joyful, and 'I am' becoming better.

4. Are you going through a difficult time when you think things are happening to you? What if you start to realize that things are happening to you. How does that change your perspective?

Sometimes, not-so-favorable circumstances happen, like dealing with difficult people, but it is not a reason to give up because they will soon become out of your way. Just pay attention to a specific goal, and good things will come. Having faith and belief in self more than anybody would put seeds of negativity into what can be accomplished. 

5. What if you took it further and recognized that you could handle the challenges? How does that make you feel?

 Life throws many challenges, some of which can be handled well. It would take courage and endurance to beat the odds. Working on challenges and conquering them is very rewarding. Getting more confident and assertive in taking life's battles, fighting, and not surrendering. 

6. How do you define success?

I define success as the 'achievement of a particular goal,' whether short or long-term. Success is not the end target, and stopping from there is. When I feel successful in a particular goal, it adds to my self-worth, and its cumulative effect gives me a sense of fulfillment.

7. What 'I am' statement are you integrating into your life?

'I am' grateful for the gift of life and the strength to serve and improve myself.

© 2013 Del Cusay

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day Special: A Celebration of Love

Mother's Day is celebrated worldwide to honor and recognize mothers' love, care, and sacrifices. This is a special day to give thanks to the woman who devoted her time from birth and even until adult life. Through the years, the presence of Mothers is always felt in our being, wherever we are and whatever we do.

Mother's Day celebration is unique to every individual and family worldwide. For some people, it is a chance to treat their mother to something special, give a gift, or offer a flower or dinner together. To others, the celebration would mean spending their most precious time despite being busy at work or with the family on their own.

Celebrating 'Mother's Day is also unique to some cultures globally. In the Philippines, people honor their Mother as the"Light of the Household." A Mother gives us the guiding light in our lives, especially when we are young and incapable of standing independently. Whenever we've committed something wrong, our Mother would discipline us through words that can imprint on our hearts. She gives us the answer to get enlightened if we ask a question. Mothers simply want the best for their kids and want them to grow up disciplined and responsible.

In India, where I reside, I have observed that they honor their Mother as God and would give their respect. I have known someone who shared her stories about how she is raising her kids and how much she loves them. She left her job and became a full-time Mom, and she finds glory in watching her kids grow up. She has witnessed how the kids grow up daily; for her, that's the greatest gift she can give them. I salute her for being such a loving and caring mother since not everyone has the power to achieve what she has been doing.

We all have our own experiences of how we were raised by our Mothers. As the youngest of six siblings, I have learned to become intense and persistent in life, no matter how challenging the circumstances. When you are down, you must stand up and start again; never give up. These are some of the wise messages I learned from my Mother.

Somehow, the saying "Mother knows best" is correct. They know what is good for us. They know our ups and downs and always support and guide us.

Motherhood is the most challenging profession. It may not be learned in any academic institution, but being a Mother is instinctive intelligence at work. It's a lifetime commitment—there is no expiry date, but just forever.

When we are in trouble or in deepest despair, our Mother can become a source of inspiration. Perhaps the most muscular woman who believes in us and pushes us to our limits. If we feel weak, she thinks we can do it. If we succeed, she's there to celebrate with us. In our society, people look up to some woman or a Mother figure who has made a significant contribution. They may be simple in appearance, yet they have shown courage and perseverance to become a leader and create a remarkable legacy for society or the world.

In celebration of 'Mother's Day,' I've written about "The Blessed Teresa of Kolkata: Her Life and Mission.". This is my tribute to one of the world's most excellent mothers who ever lived. Like all Mothers, they can make an impact in the society that they live in. One of the most fulfilling commitments is contributing to the community and inspiring people to achieve something worthwhile, just like Mother Teresa's.

Our Mothers are one of the sources of our strength. We have to honor them and let them feel unique and loved. Our existence is one of the most beautiful gifts ever, and we shouldn't forget to give back and fulfill our responsibility of being good sons and daughters to her and our world.

© 2013 Del Cusay

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Mother Teresa of Calcutta: Her Life and Mission

"Blessed Teresa did not only show her motherly care but taught humanity how to live in modesty. To live a life in simplicity and remain to be strong when life seems to be unjust."

In our lives, we may have someone we look up to or admire; we look at them as our idol and hero. What makes us follow them is the result of their most significant achievement and purposeful living. They have set themselves as role models and later became icons for the world to emulate.

When I visited Kolkata (formerly Calcutta), a single person's name flashed back to my mind. She's not just ordinary, but a blessed one in the name of Mother Teresa, who was popularly known as a 'Living Saint' before her death. Her life lived in simplicity, was a testament to her humility and dedication. 

Mother Teresa became a global sensation when I was a young child in the Philippines and even became world-renowned in the 90s until she passed away in 1997. Then, we saw Mother Teresa as a simple nun caring for the sick and the dying in Kolkata. Her work, though seemingly ordinary, left an extraordinary impact on the world, a legacy of love, compassion, and commitment to serving needy people.

Since I was in Kolkata, I've considered visiting her place: the main headquarters of the "Missionaries of Charity," the Congregation she founded. That was when I saw the outstanding achievements of a simple nun with extraordinary power, now Blessed Teresa.

What could have made her adorable and famous is her selfless love and compassion for the poorest of the poor, the sick, the abandoned, and the dying. In her early years in Kolkata, she was a teacher in a convent school until she felt a calling from the Divine to look after the needs of the poor people who were hungry, homeless, and dying in the streets due to widespread poverty and famine in the locality. 

She lived the 'Corporal Works of Mercy,' a set of compassionate acts that are traditionally carried out by Christians, and had it in action to stand the test of time. She fed the hungry, gave drink to the thirsty, clothed the naked, visited the sick, visited the imprisoned, and buried the dead. All of these works were achieved by Mother Teresa when she was living.
Her congregation, the 'Missionaries of Charity,' started with a mission to save the people who needed care on the streets. She had nothing to give financially at first. However, due to her global recognition as a 'Living Saint' and the power of media that highlighted her selfless work, they attracted donations from individuals and organizations worldwide and financial aid from different States and Government Agencies.

Mother Teresa used her compassionate nature and charisma to attract the right people to support her cause. From nothing to something, she built numerous age homes, schools, and orphanages, currently operating in more than 120 countries.

Perhaps it was the shortest pilgrimage I had to make to visit the Mother House, where Mother Teresa's tomb is. It is a simple tomb with a chapel inside for visitors to offer a prayer. It is a peaceful place, with people of different creeds coming in to witness the thousands of archives relevant to Mother Teresa's work in the room adjacent to her tomb. 

Visitors will also realize how a Spiritually powerful Nun used to live in simplicity in a small room with a tiny single bed. It made me realize that our living status does not matter what we can achieve. Hence, there is no room for self-doubt about what we can accomplish.

Mother Teresa served the poor, but she could have also meant people who were 'poor in spirit,' those who were spiritually or emotionally impoverished and in need of love and compassion. 

Nowadays, people become victims of their lower emotions. Some play the victim in life and degrade people by blaming them for their miseries and misfortune.

Many people are capable and fortunate in life, but they remain empty. They feel unloved and abandoned. This would seem like a global epidemic, but Mother Teresa's dedication to love and compassion speaks for itself.

Like all the successful and accomplished people in history, Mother Teresa has a share of unjust criticism from her critics globally. She had been condemned and ridiculed for her ways of leadership with the founded congregation. However, Mother Teresa stood up for what she believed was right. Like in life, people see the opposing sides and have themselves put into an exemption. In the end, no matter what people say and do, the mirror still reflects back, and the ones who do better are ahead of the game of life like Mother Teresa did.

A few years from now, the beatified Blessed Mother Teresa will be canonized as a Saint, and people will pray through her intercession. This future event will be a moment of great reverence and inspiration, as many devotees will come to her tomb for pilgrimage, and once again, people worldwide will remember her name eternally like an immortal Spiritual being. 

Blessed Teresa showed her motherly care and taught humanity how to live modestly and simply and remain strong when life seems unjust.

© 2013 Del Cusay