Sunday, January 17, 2016

Celebrating the Feast of Sto. Niño 2016

On this day, we celebrate the feast of the Child Jesus all over the Philippines. Venerating the holy image has been part of our culture and tradition since it was brought over by Spaniards to our country. Since then, Filipinos have embraced Christianity and made it their way of life.

The feast of Santo Niño is one of the most celebrated events in the Philippines, and millions of devotees all over the archipelago would join activities in honor of Him. From the oldest city of Cebu and the busy streets of Manila, the festivity is alive; it is vibrant, colorful, and energetic.

Today, I witnessed how we celebrate this famous religious event. Thousands of people participated in the parade as they marched to the beat of the drums. The long procession was full of energy as they carried the holy image while waving it in the air. Some holy images are uniquely dressed to portray occupations like policeman, nurse, doctor, and others. This concept has been a tradition among the faithful who believe it will bring them blessings and guide their living.

The Santo Niño de Tondo 2013 feast was memorable to me as I experienced a crowd of devotees celebrating the mass and having their holy image blessed with sacred water. I sacrificed falling in line to reach the top of the church in Tondo, Manila, where the divine image of Santo Niño is placed. Touching the sacred image and saying prayer is a symbol of faith and devotion—faith that is unique among us and will forever be observed with our grateful hearts. 

The Holy Child Jesus, in his image we call Santo Niño, reminds us of innocence and vigor. When we were young, we were full of wonders and had genuine happiness; we were robust and genuinely present. We don't mind negativity and feel we are being guided. Just like Santo Niño, it reflects the child within us. Our humility, graciousness, and innocence lead us to live a positive life despite the struggles and challenges we are going through.

With our faith, we learn to be strong and keep moving forward. The strong Divine force -- our God is there to watch over and guide us. When we are fearful, we turn to become fearless. When we are weak, we develop strength; when we are about to quit, we suddenly hold on and keep the faith. 

© 2016 Del Cusay