Monday, January 2, 2017

New Year 2017: A Hopeful Journey

"Starting the year right would mean doing what I believe would truly work based on previous experiences. Doing the right thing with the right mindset, virtues, and spiritual beliefs are essential to living."

The year 2016 ended with endearing challenges. Some setbacks created emotional struggle and solitude. Though not a pleasant year, I remained optimistic and in control of my reality and destiny. A few years ago, in 2009, I started believing in the power of the 'Law of Attraction,' which attracts magical experiences and magnificent results in my life. I've manifested some thought forms, and it's a potent tool to use when being hopeful of your fate and destiny. Since then, the manifestation of dreams and desires have been effortless. I couldn't imagine at first how I have achieved such tremendous energy that has changed my life. I am a living reality of 'you are what you think, and I have made things possible -- through the power of the Law of attraction.

This 2017, nothing has changed with my beliefs in the power of this universe. For years, the Law of attraction will still guide me about excellent living, like my spiritual or religious beliefs. Not all of our desires were made possible; however, with deeper faith and perseverance, they will be achieved in due time and in God's perfect time. 

The Law of universal timing is what I learned a few years back, and it has brought a powerful effect on our lives. It served as our guide in business, career, and life.

Starting the year right would mean doing what I believe would work based on previous experiences. Doing the right thing with the right mindset, virtues, and spiritual beliefs are essential to living. The goals I would set for this year are the thoughts I may have for years that have not manifested yet, but I still trust that the universe will conspire to make it a reality. We are destined to achieve everlasting happiness and bliss and can become a blessing to others in some ways within or beyond our capacity.

Mysterious energy would surround and guide our being to renew and relive a meaningful existence. We are bestowed with extraordinary powers to manifest our dreams and goals. This year will be a journey towards challenging tasks ahead and a rewarding fate and destinations our heart desires.

This year 2017, is about being hopeful of unimaginable things. I still believe in magic. That's an incredible experience worth achieving. I will be guided internally by my will and instincts of right and wrong and lead a better life away from distractions, false beliefs, and bad luck. To myself, my family, relatives, and everyone close to my heart is what I desire to be shielded by a defense of more vital energy.

 A balanced lifestyle, free from harm and full of optimism, would dispel the negative energy of manifestation. If God allows, balancing health at all levels and an affluent disposition is an ultimate dream. The list would be longer, and acquiring it all requires tremendous energy. A great year is not about the winning moments but the power to stand every time we fall. The battle continues, and an incredible journey lies on a strong will, a grateful heart, and a powerful spirit.

© 2017 Del Cusay