Sunday, February 10, 2019

Election 2019: Making Voices Heard

The official campaign period for the National midterm election has already started. This is a crucial time for us, the Filipino voters, as we prepare to exercise our democratic rights. Despite the premature campaigning, with political ads on television and street posters since 2018, we must stay focused on the significance of the upcoming elections.

In the coming May 13 election, we will again select and vote for the candidates who will serve our country and the people. We will choose our 12 Senatorial bets for the national post and elect our own officials, from Provincial Governors down to Municipal Councilors.

It's a midterm election, and several candidates now share their political views and expertise on issues confronting our nation. Several problems are currently widespread, like the drug war, extrajudicial killings, terrorism, medical marijuana, the age of criminal responsibility, the defense of territorial waters, and the revival of the death penalty. 

We also have long-time issues such as poverty alleviation, graft and corruption, unemployment, drug addiction, crime prevention, population control, reproductive health, environmental protection, and climate change. These are some of the many issues our national candidates face once elected. Our local candidates will represent the interests of their constituents and legislate local laws or ordinances to address socio-political issues and uplift the living conditions of the people.

The media plays a significant role in shaping the public's understanding of the candidates. We learn about our candidate's platforms and intentions through media organizations, empowering us to make informed decisions. 

I watched the senatorial forum hosted by CNN Philippines and the debate from the GMA network this month. Thousands of Filipinos could hear what their senatorial bets had to say on various issues. We may have different reactions or emotions to their views; either we agreed and were amused, or we disagreed and were disappointed. 

On March 29, we will also hear our local candidates' political views. Their campaign may not be as grand as the national candidates, but their common intention is to serve and be the voice of their constituents. I encourage you to attend their campaigns, as it will give you a better understanding of the issues at the grassroots level. 

The campaign period may be the most exhausting part of the candidate's possible victory since they devote their energy, time, and money to it. Thus, we, the voters, must also spend some time getting to know our candidates. We can do this by attending their rallies, reading their published materials, or engaging them in social media. Their stance on various issues of our nation and locality is significant in nation-building and good governance. 

Amidst the different voices, we can learn how to filter those who are significant and reflect our values and virtues. Our guiding principle shall rule, not the outside influence of the media and black propaganda. 

Remember, your vote matters. As we approach the May 13 election, let's exercise our right to vote. This is not just the fight of our candidates but the collective fight of all Filipino people towards a better community and country.

© 2019 Del Cusay