Sunday, July 14, 2019

Happiness in Our Hearts

What could be more important in life?
Biggest dream, achieved goals, a success...
A dream job, a dream house, a fancy car
A dream destination in the farthest nation

When success means a million-dollar
Yes! I have a lot, but not feeling enough
Giving it all but no contentment at all
No happiness, no pure joy. No bliss

Success is the presence of happiness...
When I get successful, I'll be happy... Nah!
When I am so glad, I feel successful... Yeah!
Happiness is positive psychology... Aha!

Happiness comes from a natural thing.
Not so expensive and not an elusive thing
A glimpse of dawn, a beautiful twilight...
A magnificent sunrise, a morning exercise

What else could make us truly happy?
A morning cup of milk, coffee, or tea
A chirping sparrow... A Nightingale's song
A mist in the garden, a drizzle... A blessing!

Happiness is within us... Within our reach
The morning ritual of gratitude makes us rich!
A good morning greeting... A morning hymn
Thank God for the happiness... I am lovin'

© 2019 Del Cusay