There's a certain tranquility that sunrise brings. In the moments just before it emerges, waking up to the serenity of a peaceful morning, with the natural sounds of chirping songbirds and a fresh morning mist, is a truly calming experience.
To rise as early as 4:30 and be up by 5 A. M. is to feel the pure anticipation of a new day. It's the excitement of a fresh start, a brand new day that brings new hope and the promise of incredible adventures and opportunities.
Each morning in my beloved highland town, I would awaken to a scene of breathtaking beauty. Watching the sky transform with vibrant hues from the terrace was like witnessing a live painting. This natural masterpiece slowly turned into a bright light and ultraviolet rays, inspiring me and brightening my mood for the entire day.
The video above; click the arrow to view
The sunrise is not just a physical event, it's an emotional experience. It fills us with a sense of joy and happiness, warding off any negativity that might try to spoil our day. It's a reminder of life's beauty and the wonders of our planet.
A deep breathing exercise absorbs prana or chi, a life force for healing and longevity. Simple yoga-like and internal stamina exercises loosen up a stiff body and shake the soul.
A cup of coffee, especially a strong black one, compliments the sunrise and completely awakens the senses for daytime alertness.
The sunrise is more than just a daily occurrence, it's a gift from the divine. It's a reminder to start each day with gratitude and energy. It's a call from heaven, a promise of a better day and a brighter tomorrow.
© 2019 Del Cusay