Life becomes more manageable, lighter, and brighter when we come together as a community, sharing common goals and interests to uplift and improve our lives. This is the essence of a Cooperative— a group of like-minded individuals working towards sustainable economic development, fostering a sense of togetherness and community.
In our hometown in Jamindan, Province of Capiz, we have welcomed the establishment of the largest Agri-based Cooperative in the Philippines. The Sorosoro Ibaba Development Cooperative, or SIDC, was founded in Batangas in 1969.
In celebration of SIDC's 50th year, we warmly welcomed their partnership for local economic development. We opened the first-ever SIDC One Stop Shop in Visayas, our hometown of Jamindan.
Fortunately, I applied for a regular membership before the opening on October 30. As a member, I could see firsthand the products and services they offer to the people and community. Becoming a member was straightforward, involving [specific steps or requirements].
As an Agricultural-based Cooperative, SIDC will offer its members products and services such as Organic fertilizer, veterinary products, feeds, and meat shops. It will also provide assistance and partnerships for Hog raising or pig farming.
SIDC also has the Koopinoy Savings and Loans service for its active members to support their financial needs and growth. Members will have a loan opportunity to start their farm business, with [specific loan terms and interest rates]. They also provide other loan services like vehicle loans, motorcycle/tricycle loans, and micro and enterprise loans for entrepreneurs with no collateral requirement for members.
Koopinoy provides a passbook savings account and time deposit with higher annual interest for member Savers. Opening a savings account was [specific process or requirements]. Even children under 18 can open a savings account to secure their future.
aside from the Loyalty rewards as a member.
SIDC will also accept bill payments for various utility bills and has a money remittance service in partnership with Truemoney padala. This brings a sense of relief and convenience to consumers, making the use of these financial services a breeze.
SIDC One Stop Shop in Jamindan will open its doors to everyone, offering a pathway to personal and community growth. May it bring progress in the lives of the people who patronize its products, services, and programs, fostering a sense of hope and optimism for a better local economy and community.
© 2019 Del Cusay