Sunday, April 26, 2020

Opportunities in Crisis

We feel people's fear. This pandemic teaches us to be sensitive to different kinds of emotions. Anxiety, panic, boredom, anger, irritability, and depression are some of our common reactions. People may not say it, but we sense the negative vibe of people's lower emotions. 

We all share this sense of fear, a collective consciousness that has detected a new threat to our humanity. It's a feeling that's average and expected, a part of our shared experience, a bond that unites us in these uncertain times.

But how can we escape this threat? How long shall we feel fear? How can we go back to living our everyday lives?

During these times, education experts say we live in 3 different crisis zones.

Fear Zone. This is our initial tendency to threaten. It's normal! Feel the fear. Acknowledge this feeling and not be in denial. Our physical expression can't mask our feelings deep within for one main reason: we are all together. We are wired to feel for each other.

Learning Zone. This is an excellent opportunity in times of crisis. We make use of the time we are in isolation. Most people might still be stuck in a fear zone, but learning shouldn't stop us. Students, working professionals, parents, young kids, and even old retirees can learn something new during this time. New knowledge and skills are our weapons as we return to living a 'new normal' during and post-pandemic.

Growth Zone. This is about taking control of our emotions and mind.
When we achieve a certain level of self-mastery, we grow and transform into a more fantastic version of ourselves. We succeed because we refuse to remain a victim of circumstance and prisoners of fate.

So, in what zone are we now?

From the 'fear zone' during the first few weeks of quarantine, where I was consumed by worry and uncertainty, I gradually transitioned to the 'learning zone.' I started attending webinars, reading educational articles, and listening to podcasts. These activities not only kept me occupied but also filled me with a sense of positivity and personal empowerment. 

For instance, I have attended several webinars offered by local and international organizations and learned from Thought leaders about different subjects of expertise. These could be excellent opportunities to delve into a new field or deepen your knowledge in your current area of interest.

I listen to educational podcasts and read valuable insights from online articles. I continue to learn and audit existing knowledge and beliefs, pondering and updating obsolete information that hinders growth.

There's growth in learning.

Soulful Sunday, a concept I've embraced, is an excellent opportunity to not get stuck but to learn to adapt and engage in new interests and habits. It's a day dedicated to self-care, learning, and personal growth. On this day, I set aside time for activities that nourish my soul, such as reading, meditation, and engaging in hobbies. It's a practice that has brought a sense of balance and joy to my life, and it's something you can easily incorporate into your routine.

Farming has been a great activity for us even before the pandemic, and we continue to plant seeds for a bounty harvest in this uncertain time. It's about growing food and nurturing a sense of responsibility, patience, and resilience. These are all essential aspects of personal growth that I've experienced firsthand through farming. It's also an opportunity to connect with nature and appreciate the simple things in life.

This is an opportunity to cultivate, develop, and create sustainable living. Organic farming practices are what we need for a healthier body and immunity to fight the unseen enemy.

Life in the countryside will always be exciting. It's just a matter of changing our mental state and the definition of success. There's a lot of learning and an opportunity to live a more comfortable and healthier life. 

As we journey forward, we'll understand that fear can sabotage and take control of our destiny. But we have an antidote, a potent dose of learning that can help us bounce back, stronger and more vital than ever. The future is not just a possibility; it's a promise of a better, brighter tomorrow that we can all look forward to.

© 2020 Del Cusay

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Positivity in Uncertainty

Energy follows thoughts and intentions. This means that the energy we put into our thoughts and the intentions we set with those thoughts directly impact our lives. It's one of the most essential pieces of wisdom I have learned and adopted for years.

By harnessing the power of our thoughts and embracing optimism, we hold the key to making the seemingly impossible, possible. Our minds have the incredible ability to shape our reality.

But how can we stay positive in a world full of negativity? With the recent global crisis due to the pandemic, people are scared and anxious about what lies ahead of our uncertain future—the coming days and years.

We are all at risk, but at this time, somebody must be ahead of us. Someone must not be as scared as we are. They are our elders, our parents, and our grandparents.

Their resilience is a testament to the power of positivity in overcoming life's challenges.

Yes, they may be the most vulnerable but have the most positive spirit through these times.

They are not the weakest but the strongest because of their faith in the highest Divine power. Their religious or spiritual affiliations and activities make them truly alive. This faith gives them a sense of purpose and a belief that they are part of something greater, which, in turn, strengthens their resilience and positivity.

My Soulful Sunday is spent at the farm, and on this day, my parents show us how to live and survive this crisis.

The striking statement I have heard from them is that extensive farmland only serves its purpose if cultivated for sustainable farming. That's why they put their energy into it.

When I visit the farm after a week of home quarantine, I am glad to see the vegetable farm, where they have spent most of their time and energy.

They may never know what tomorrow will bring but know how to survive and thrive. There are no excuses, only developing habits and a positive mindset.

Our goal is to fortify our immune systems, starting with the nourishing food on our table. Fresh produce from our farm is our recipe for better health and stronger immunity.

There is a lot of positivity for today. There are a lot of flashbacks and realizations. These moments of reflection have brought me a deeper understanding of life and a renewed appreciation for the strength of the human spirit. There is a lot of energy, but there is also positivity in uncertainty.

© 2020 Del Cusay

Sunday, April 12, 2020

A Hopeful Easter

In the absence of fear, we live with courage and hope. This happening in this world, where we live with uncertainty, is a test of faith and our humanity.

The holy week that we celebrated was a profound spiritual journey, a new world experience that transcended the physical plane of existence. It was a time of reflection, prayer, and renewal, a journey that took us to a different dimension of our faith.

Even during lockdown and quarantine, we are blessed to have the means to express our faith digitally. The online world has allowed us to celebrate the Holy Mass through streaming and live broadcasts, connecting us with different parishes in the Philippines and the Holy See in the Vatican.

Our Parish Priests, Bishops, and the Pope sent us a message of hope in these times of global crisis. We are not alone, and God is with us in all these trials. 

God may not show his wrath, but we are tested with perseverance, endurance, the will to abide faithfully, and the will to survive.

We learn to return to what is essential for our survival. We connect with nature and live in a natural world without too much noise, stress, and fast-paced living.

Take it slow. Recognize the wonderful nature around you. Touch the soil. Go barefoot outdoors. Take a deep breath. Watch the sunrise and the sunset. Have a glimpse of stars and the galaxy. Listen to the sound of silence. Meditate. These are the messages I received and the fulfillment of my heart's desire. 

Each of us receives different messages from the Divine. In times of solitude, we can open our hearts to these messages, finding reassurance and hope in them. 

As we continue to learn how to live in this new world, a world reshaped by the global crisis, Easter gives us a message of hope. We hope we will adapt to the recent changes in the earth. We hope to be protected and healed. We hope for a better world. By God's will and grace, we will hold on. Not to surrender, and never to give up. For our hope is more significant than our worldly desires. For our hope is beyond physical. It is eternal.

© 2020 Del Cusay

Friday, April 10, 2020

Holy Week 2020: Faith in Uncertain Times

In observance of Holy Week, we focus our energies and strength on the solemnity of Christ's passion, death, and coming resurrection. 

We leave our worries behind. That's the most respectful thing we can do since we live by Christ's promises. GOD is in control, and we put our trust and faith in Him.

This year's Lenten season and Holy Week hold a unique significance. It's a time we haven't experienced in decades, a time when we are confined to our homes and celebrate masses through live TV broadcasts. We can't partake in the Good Friday procession or celebrate Easter with the usual freedom of expression. Yet, these limitations offer us a chance to find new ways to express our love and gratitude.

During this Lenten season, families celebrate Sunday Holy Mass at home, we do the virtual Visita Iglesia online, and we get to kneel on our Holy Altar at home.

This year, we can't go to places on a pilgrimage. We can't show our love through hugs and kisses, but we offer a different kind of love in the distance. To show love to people, we need to keep our distance. A tough love.

Despite the uncertainties we face, we find comfort in the love shared by the religious leaders of God. Our Pope, Bishops, and Priests are there, ensuring our spiritual needs are met and reminding us of God's enduring love.

We can gather with our family at home and listen to God's words. We can also light a candle and offer a prayer

As I make my Holy Week retreat in our sky garden, I can see, hear, and feel God's Holiness and loving presence through His natural creations and masterpieces. We have been blessed to live in a natural sanctuary of solemnity and solitude to experience God's Divinity.

He is not absent; He is there with us in the comfort of our homes, wrapped in His loving arms. He is forever in our hearts and transforms our lives.

Yes, we may be living in this time of uncertainty, but we are learning to slow down, to live in stillness, and to notice and appreciate even the little things that matter in our lives.

On this Good Friday, we continue to pray and observe the Holy Burial through the Holy image of the Santo Entierro. We believe that Christ has died to save humanity. Its significance lies in our personal experience and journey when He reveals His Holiness to us.

May this silence and solitude of Holy Week be a time for us to pause and reflect. It's an opportunity to realign our hopes and dreams, to reassess what truly matters and holds value in our lives. This is a crucial moment to listen to our inner voice and steer our lives towards a more meaningful path.

© 2020 Del Cusay

Related Post:

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Welcoming Both The Darkness and The Light

When there is darkness, only light. That's one statement from a soulful prayer to St. Francis of Assisi.

Today, the world is in darkness. Humanity is suffering from the worst of God's wrath. We all suffer, the good and the bad.

We may ask ourselves, why does God allow us to suffer? Why does God put us into the darkness? If God is the world's light, why does He allow the destruction of humanity and the world?

The good and the bad are opposing qualities we possess and experience in our lifetime. Hence, bad things happen to good people, and bad people continue to live to spread the darkness of the soul.

We are good in nature, but God allows us to experience the dark side to decipher the truth and appreciate the light. If there is no darkness, there could be no light. This is the same as saying we are good because we refuse to be wrong and embrace the light.

We can't say we are perfect in our lives. We make mistakes or sins in our thoughts, words, and actions. Subsconsciously, we harm others with our intentions. We have the tendency to harm other living beings and disobey higher beings.

That's human nature. As long as we live, we continue to dwell on the darkness and the light. But, in the end, we choose to stay in the lightness of our being—the lightness of our soul and spirit.

We choose the light because we already know how it is to be in the dark. We choose to be good rather than evil because we don't want to be trapped in a world of endless suffering.

Remember, whatever we suffer at the present time is only temporary. The light is at the end of the tunnel, and we are heading in that direction. This too shall pass.

We experience the dark night of the soul. This time, no one is spared. Our collective experience is history to the darkness of humanity until we learn and get out of the dark. Remember, your suffering is my suffering, and your darkness is mine. We are all together, spiritually connected in our shared human experience.

Your suffering is my suffering, and your darkness is my darkness. That's what we are in the spiritual world: physically distant but spiritually connected.

This Palm Sunday, we welcome Christ's coming and his Divine presence in our hearts. He gives us darkness and can take it away from us. Then, we live to be the light in the world. We continue to be enlightened beings in this world.

© 2020 Del Cusay