Energy follows thoughts and intentions. This means that the energy we put into our thoughts and the intentions we set with those thoughts directly impact our lives. It's one of the most essential pieces of wisdom I have learned and adopted for years.
By harnessing the power of our thoughts and embracing optimism, we hold the key to making the seemingly impossible, possible. Our minds have the incredible ability to shape our reality.
But how can we stay positive in a world full of negativity? With the recent global crisis due to the pandemic, people are scared and anxious about what lies ahead of our uncertain future—the coming days and years.
We are all at risk, but at this time, somebody must be ahead of us. Someone must not be as scared as we are. They are our elders, our parents, and our grandparents.
Their resilience is a testament to the power of positivity in overcoming life's challenges.
Yes, they may be the most vulnerable but have the most positive spirit through these times.
They are not the weakest but the strongest because of their faith in the highest Divine power. Their religious or spiritual affiliations and activities make them truly alive. This faith gives them a sense of purpose and a belief that they are part of something greater, which, in turn, strengthens their resilience and positivity.
My Soulful Sunday is spent at the farm, and on this day, my parents show us how to live and survive this crisis.
The striking statement I have heard from them is that extensive farmland only serves its purpose if cultivated for sustainable farming. That's why they put their energy into it.
When I visit the farm after a week of home quarantine, I am glad to see the vegetable farm, where they have spent most of their time and energy.
They may never know what tomorrow will bring but know how to survive and thrive. There are no excuses, only developing habits and a positive mindset.
Our goal is to fortify our immune systems, starting with the nourishing food on our table. Fresh produce from our farm is our recipe for better health and stronger immunity.
There is a lot of positivity for today. There are a lot of flashbacks and realizations. These moments of reflection have brought me a deeper understanding of life and a renewed appreciation for the strength of the human spirit. There is a lot of energy, but there is also positivity in uncertainty.
© 2020 Del Cusay