Friday, April 10, 2020

Holy Week 2020: Faith in Uncertain Times

In observance of Holy Week, we focus our energies and strength on the solemnity of Christ's passion, death, and coming resurrection. 

We leave our worries behind. That's the most respectful thing we can do since we live by Christ's promises. GOD is in control, and we put our trust and faith in Him.

This year's Lenten season and Holy Week hold a unique significance. It's a time we haven't experienced in decades, a time when we are confined to our homes and celebrate masses through live TV broadcasts. We can't partake in the Good Friday procession or celebrate Easter with the usual freedom of expression. Yet, these limitations offer us a chance to find new ways to express our love and gratitude.

During this Lenten season, families celebrate Sunday Holy Mass at home, we do the virtual Visita Iglesia online, and we get to kneel on our Holy Altar at home.

This year, we can't go to places on a pilgrimage. We can't show our love through hugs and kisses, but we offer a different kind of love in the distance. To show love to people, we need to keep our distance. A tough love.

Despite the uncertainties we face, we find comfort in the love shared by the religious leaders of God. Our Pope, Bishops, and Priests are there, ensuring our spiritual needs are met and reminding us of God's enduring love.

We can gather with our family at home and listen to God's words. We can also light a candle and offer a prayer

As I make my Holy Week retreat in our sky garden, I can see, hear, and feel God's Holiness and loving presence through His natural creations and masterpieces. We have been blessed to live in a natural sanctuary of solemnity and solitude to experience God's Divinity.

He is not absent; He is there with us in the comfort of our homes, wrapped in His loving arms. He is forever in our hearts and transforms our lives.

Yes, we may be living in this time of uncertainty, but we are learning to slow down, to live in stillness, and to notice and appreciate even the little things that matter in our lives.

On this Good Friday, we continue to pray and observe the Holy Burial through the Holy image of the Santo Entierro. We believe that Christ has died to save humanity. Its significance lies in our personal experience and journey when He reveals His Holiness to us.

May this silence and solitude of Holy Week be a time for us to pause and reflect. It's an opportunity to realign our hopes and dreams, to reassess what truly matters and holds value in our lives. This is a crucial moment to listen to our inner voice and steer our lives towards a more meaningful path.

© 2020 Del Cusay

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