Sunday, January 3, 2021

New Year 2021: A New Hope

The year 2020 brought a lot of pain and suffering into our lives. It seems like the darkest era of our times. Something unexpected, but we've learned to accept and embrace it.

If this is the preview of a new decade '20s, we could predict the future; that uncertainty is now part of our daily living. 

Things change instantaneously. It's like a blink of an eye, and our fate would change.

The year 2020 was the saddest and most unpredictable moment we've experienced. It ruined our hopes and dreams and redirected our compass to a crossroads. That was the end of the year 2020. Finally, we've all welcomed the new year 2021 with our greatest hopes. After the long agony, we can blur the sad memories from the deepest of our consciousness.

That was the end of the year 2020. Finally, we've all welcomed the new year 2021 with our greatest hopes. After the long agony, we can blur the sad memories from the deepest of our consciousness.

A new world

Whatever earth changes we've been experiencing, one thing I'm sure of is that this is part of the Divine plan. We're not in control; hence we let things happen and make things happen in our human capacity.

If the world has to change this way, then a more significant force can move us and direct our path -- either to follow and have faith or to step back and have doubts.

So, in this new world order, some would-be victims of a sad reality, while others would be victorious survivors.

New opportunities

We've seen people who have lost a living; have missed some chances and opportunities for the past year.

Some may have struggled a lot in business, career, and life. It also caused our fears, frustrations, and anger. It made us express all kinds of emotions. It had caused inconvenience and a downgrade in the quality of living at some point.

This year 2021, is about new opportunities that await us. The missed one is just a moment of pause; to stop for a while; to re-calibrate, and be ready to stand up again.

This year 2021, is about an opportunity to be together as a family again. To be reunited and to recall how we've started it all.

When we're somewhat lost, our family will always be there to guide and light our path. They're there on our knocked down and cheer us on our way up.

Opportunities don't only knock once. We see opportunities everywhere. And if there seems to be none, we create it ourselves and even create opportunities for others.

A new dream

Yes, we've awakened from a deep slumber. It was somehow a nightmare! 

This year, we're hoping for a better night's sleep. We're hoping for a better dream. And so, as we wake up, we'll turn that dream into a reality.

And when we dream, we extend it to the special people in our lives. They are the source of our inspiration, happiness, and reason for living. Family is love, and family is forever. That's one thing I know for sure.

A night or a daydream is both a pleasant experience of hoping for brighter days ahead. 

A new hope

We're hopeful that no matter how life seems uncertain, we still believe that something good will happen.

Our hope will always keep us alive to make us believe that miracles happen daily. From the time we wake up until the time we go to sleep. 

A new hope is there to give us the energy to live actively. A new hope gives us many chances to try again and never give up but hope when things seem to be falling.

This year 2021, is about hope in all aspects of living. We hope for the best things to happen. We hope for the best wishes to come, and we hope for the best life ahead.

 ©️ 2021 Del Cusay 

Related Post:

👉 New Year 2020: A New Decade