The color purple, a symbol of spirituality, is a sight to behold. Its beauty captivates the eyes and touches the depths of the soul. It nourishes the body, enriches the mind, and expands our consciousness.
That makes purple the color of choice among lovers who have chosen to celebrate a milestone with Divine love and light.
Shades of purple, from lilac to lavender and indigo to magenta, grace our surroundings. Their soothing presence aids in healing, bringing comfort to our souls.
And so, we choose a spiritual color that rejuvenates the body and awakens the power of the soul. That makes us feel good, look good, and do good as we take the path leading toward another height -- our dreams, goals, and heart's desires.
As we navigate the labyrinth of life, the color purple serves as a beacon, reminding us of our expanded consciousness and higher self. We are spiritual beings, capable of experiencing and radiating love and compassion.
The purple flowers in the garden and the purple sky are reminders of a spiritual connection that challenges our imagination and ambition. With clarity of our thoughts and intentions, we see the light shining through us. The radiance makes us feel light instantly and out of the blue.
It's the life we choose that makes us feel truly alive. Each day, we carry gratitude in our hearts, a beacon of inspiration and motivation. It's this gratitude that propels us forward, in constant motion towards our dreams and goals.
Life is good. We are very blessed with the people we share our love with so dearly. With the Divine blessings, we're even more delighted by the graces we receive daily, from this day, and for the rest of our lives.
©️ 2021 Del Cusay