Sunday, April 25, 2021

Mental Health and Coping during Covid-19 Pandemic

Today's world is full of stress that makes us tired and sick. That's part of living, but we need to stay healthy and full of vitality. We need to let go of the stuck energies affecting our health. We have to release what's unwanted on our bodies. We need to be well.

How can we become healthy when our world becomes smaller, yet only a few choices are left? How can we show vigor when not feeling about our best selves?

The Covid-19 pandemic is an addition to our stressors. It's making us sick day by day. The news updates we read and hear regularly cause anxiety and sadness. 

We can't just ignore the news and stay calm at all times. To feel empathetic is fine. It's normal to feel the suffering of other people. It's normal to sympathize with those whose lives were lost and who are still fighting for their lives to survive.

We can't just be feeling that way again and again. We can choose to stay above our lower emotions, and we can start to build up ourselves to become strong and unbreakable.

Dealing with our mental health during this pandemic is essential to our well-being. We need to continue living with sanity and clear consciousness. A sound mind is what we need for clear and best judgment. 

We can always release our stress, anxiety, and fatigue wherever we are. We don't need to physically go to the beach at this time of the pandemic. We can sit still in the comfort of our homes or lie in bed.

Meditation is our best weapon to release stress and peace of mind. Since we can't travel a great distance to our favorite beach destinations, we utilize the power of our minds through meditation.

We always choose an ocean or a beach whenever we meditate. The saltiness of the water extracts the stuck energy from our bodies. 

When we think of an ocean or a beach, its saltiness becomes a powerful extractor of our negativities. Same as physically visiting an actual beach, but this time we imagine and recall vividly the beautiful memories that made us feel good about ourselves. 

Releasing the stuck energies in our physical, emotional, and mental bodies enables us to plan and energize our future. 

This pandemic shouldn't make us feel bad about ourselves and the world that we're living in. We can always feel good and choose our thoughts, emotions, and intentions wisely.

We may be unable to do as much in our community or help save as many people as possible. However, in our little way, we can start the healing on ourselves first. The healing always starts within us. That's our gift to ourselves and our contribution to our community -- to stay healthy and happy.

Despite the pains and sufferings, we share our best selves by choosing wellness over illness. Being physically fit, emotionally stable, and mentally healthy in these times of uncertainty.

©️ 2021 Del Cusay