Is it about all work and no play? No travels? Does it have enough money? Is it about being cold and unable to extend a hand and give a warm embrace?
What about your fitness goals? That dream job abroad? Or perhaps your dream house,
dream car and the dream wedding?
This Pandemic brought chaos and lousy energy into our lives. It has caused anxiety, fear, apathy, and grief. It killed our dreams and highest hopes. It made a lot of people hopeless and helpless. It made us believe that life is short and could suddenly be gone.
Despite the chaos and lousy energy the Pandemic brought, it also brought out the best in us. It tested our resilience and faith, fostering kindness and understanding. It underscored the value of relationships and the realization that money isn't everything. It prompted us to ponder our existence and life purpose.
What's the ugly side and the bitter truth this Pandemic brings? We cannot understand the nature of suffering, our inability to prioritize what's essential versus what's unwanted, and our failure to see others' worth and even our worth.
The saddest truth is that the invisible enemy turns out to be our blind spots, our inability to spot our weaknesses, and our failure to unleash our hidden powers and energy. After all these years, we're still stuck with our society's false beliefs and the influence of the majority. It's okay to have struggled in the past; it's part of our journey.
The good, the bad, and the ugly taste what we are and what we give out to this world. We may never know when this Pandemic will end, but it's not the end yet to make a restart, a new beginning, so we'll have a happy ending. This is our chance to start anew, to create a better future for ourselves and our loved ones.
©️ 2021 Del Cusay