The weekend is an excellent time to spend outdoors in the garden. We get energy from the fresh air and a little sunlight, just enough to get revitalized.
Outdoor gardening is fun for the family as it creates a bond. We enjoy our conversations and put smiles on our faces whenever we finish our activity. It brings serenity and joy to our hearts as soon as we see how refined and beautiful it is.
Gardening is a therapeutic activity that is good for our physical and mental wellness. We don't fear getting dirty hands because of the many healing benefits they bring to our well-being.
During this pandemic, many people realized how gardening brought joy to their lives. It has changed their perspective on the essence of having a piece of nature while working from home.
My parents had influenced us to enjoy gardening even before the pandemic. Since then, we have appreciated ornamental plants for indoor display as they purify the air and give us fresh and revitalized energy that genuinely makes us joyful.
Even a few small pieces of potted plants indoors can uplift our mood. So, there's no excuse to feel down and uninspired when we can create a little sanctuary at home.
Sometimes, we get more inspired and creative when surrounded by natural elements like plants and flowers. It heals us naturally and restores our well-being after stress and burnout from work.
Life is always good. There may be a lot of chaos outside our homes and in this world, but we can always find time to have solemnity and joy as we learn to create and live it.
We create our simple pleasures, soulful desires, and greater joys. We make our natural healing, and we help create a better world.
© 2022 Del Cusay