We've entered the beginning of the final quarter of the year. This month of October brings energy and time to ponder many things -- from the pandemic to politics.
Sunday, October 17, 2021
The Last Quarter of 2021
Sunday, September 19, 2021
The Greatest Lesson I learned from my Father
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Sunday, April 11, 2021
Boracay's Environmentally Conscious Tourism
Boracay Island in the Philippines is a mesmerizing paradise. It stands as one of the top tourist destinations and continues to be hailed as one of the world's most stunning beaches.
Boracay Island in the Philippines is one of the top tourist destinations and remains one of the top beaches in the world. Various international magazines and travel websites recognize this island annually as one of the world's best, which has contributed to the influx of tourists from all over the world.
What I like about Boracay is its diversity, from different nationalities and locations where it suits the tastes and preferences of the tourists. It's like a melting pot of cultures and personalities, making it a world-class tourist destination.
However, beneath its picturesque facade, Boracay Island harbors some less appealing truths. During my visit in April 2016, I witnessed the environmental degradation that had taken hold, two years before President Duterte's decisive action to close the island for rehabilitation in April 2018.
For years, big businesses like hotels have deceived tourists and guests by providing reading material explaining the algae that make the shoreline dark green and unsightly. I can't believe how they disseminate disinformation by making it appear to be a natural occurrence.
I saw the big pipes from establishments that excrete wastewater to the shore, where untreated sewage is flowing, making the water in the area dark green and dirty.
The president called it a cesspool, and that observation is very evident. Then, he ordered a 6-month closure of the island. That move was a big sacrifice for the thousands of businesses and island workers and the number of affected tourists. The projected billions of pesos lost for the island's tourism paved the way to pursue its rehabilitation for intended revitalization.
How can we help our tourism significantly impact its sustainability and environmental protection? I believe that the 6-month rehabilitation of Boracay made us realize that money from tourism alone won't make us truly rich and progressive. However, our environmental consciousness as tourists will help destinations like Boracay become sustainable and highly livable.
Tourism is our number one industry, booming before the COVID-19 pandemic. When the lockdown happened, tourism was down and almost dying, but we've seen the clear waters of Boracay. Business establishments and tourists mainly contribute to the island's pollution.
Do we need to rehab our topmost islands every six years for six months? Well, that would surely hurt tourism, but it's for the good of the environment. We must balance tourism and its environmental impact to call it a paradise.
There's progress in Boracay compared to the first time I visited the island in 1998. However, it's becoming too commercial, and due to its fast-growing present-day development, the island may have lost its serenity and ambiance.
We need to amplify our tourism efforts and promote responsible practices. We are blessed with the most exquisite islands and beaches but also need environmentally conscious tourists and accountable businessmen. Let's leave no trace but footprints and wonderful memories, and this is how we can make a significant difference.
When we can travel again without restrictions, we'll become better tourists. And together, we can help revive our tourism and our God-given paradise, knowing that positive change is not just a dream, but a tangible reality within our reach.
©️ 2021 Del Cusay
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Friday, July 10, 2020
Press Freedom in The Philippines
© 2020 Del Cusay
Sunday, February 17, 2019
Social Commentary: The Voice of the Filipino Farmers
Philippine Agriculture, a once thriving sector, was a source of pride for our nation. It excelled in providing high-quality agricultural products to every Filipino, a testament to the active and strategic partnership between our farmers and the Government.
We were an agricultural leader in Asia back then, and our Agricultural Scientists used to share their expertise in rice farming with other Asian countries like Vietnam and Thailand.
I remember back in the late '80s when we used to play by throwing mud in the newly plowed rice field just after the harvest season when rice farming was the primary source of livelihood for most families in our town. Whenever we visit other barangays from the town center, we get to breathe in the fresher air passing through the green fields of newly planted rice during the planting season, while during the dry season, just before the harvest in March or April, the field turns into a beautiful golden brown grain of rice.
Those days were when rice farming was a robust industry and highly profitable for farmers and traders who bought and sold rice. Those were also the busy days for my parents to make a living as rice traders in our town, lasting about 2 decades.
As a kid, it was hard to compete for attention with our parents on busy days when they bought hundreds of sacks of rice from our local farmers, but that was also a good time for play whenever the rice was already stacked in our warehouse—the kind of play that some kids of today may not relate to. Those were the past and some of the happiest moments worth remembering.
Challenges in the Agriculture
Starting in the new millennium, several challenges emerged in our Agricultural sector, especially in the rice industry. There were corruption issues with the Agriculture Department and the National Food Authority, a Government agency that regulates and maintains sufficient rice supplies for the staple food of Filipinos. Other problems include a lack of government support for farming machinery like pre and post-harvest facilities, conversion of agricultural land to residential or industrial, and the low trade price of rice production from the farmers due to the proliferation of rice cartels.
In recent years, our Government has faced even more challenges, like increasing the price of commercial rice due to artificially low supply against its high demand to feed millions of Filipinos. With the lack of agricultural facilities, we cannot produce the best quality and quantity of rice, leading to lesser productivity and profitability for our rice farmers.
The Rice Tarrification Law
Fast forward to 2019, just recently on February 15, when the Rice Tarrification Bill was enacted to deregulate rice importation by private businessmen and individuals from countries like Thailand and Vietnam. The law also restricted the NFA's power to regulate and import rice, and they would just maintain enough rice stocks for calamities. One of the best promises in the revised law is the annual 10 billion peso Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund for 6 years. It will be assessed whether to continue or change the measure. The RCEF is a common fund that will come from the rice import taxes that are said to be given to farmers to address the existing challenges in rice production, like the purchase of farm machinery, to provide credit or loan service to farmers for skills development in farming.
The effect on our rice farmers
While the new law aims to address the current inflation and make rice more affordable for poor families, it also poses a challenge for our local rice farmers. They may struggle to sell their produce at a fair price, potentially forcing them to continue rice farming out of necessity.
While the influx of cheaper commercial rice may benefit Filipino consumers, the promises of the new law may not be as reassuring as they appear. We must remain vigilant, remembering past agricultural scams, and ensure that the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund is not misused or becomes another form of corruption.
If there's an existing corruption in the Agricultural sector that remains a culture, the new law shouldn't be at the expense of our local farmers. The need for government support is urgent. Although we can give a new direction a chance for its benefits, I still feel for the unheard voices of our farmers. I am a rice farmer's son, and I have seen the hardship of our farmers who sweat it out under the sun even though the rain gives us a staple food to eat on our table. Our farmers deserve to have a better life through the full support of our government from laws and programs that would help improve their most significant source of livelihood.
We want to see something other than one day, our farmlands, previously owned by ordinary farmers, will become a gated community or townhouse owned by an oligarch. We want our country to retain agricultural scientists who prefer to work abroad for a greener pasture. We want our future children to be interested in farming studies and activities. And we want to avoid seeing our farmers dying because they need something to eat. After all, the government killed the rice farming industry.
As I return home to our hometown, another previously farmland townhouse might rise, and another hectare for private houses along the road might be built. This happens when farmers sell their land to real estate developers for residential or industrial development.
In a few years, our next generation might not be able to enjoy the greenfields and golden brown rice harvests that we used to enjoy—those years of pure happiness away from modernity and technology that the present time has embraced. In a few years, we will gradually be shifting from agricultural to industrial, and the vast farmland and lush greeneries will be a thing of the past.
Let us help save our Agricultural sector by hearing the voices of our farmers, who are the source and significant producers of our food on the table. Let us patronize local produce and learn to appreciate and embrace agriculture in our modern way of living to help our farmers thrive and live the decent and comfortable lives they deserve.
© 2019 Del Cusay
Sunday, February 10, 2019
Election 2019: Making Voices Heard
The official campaign period for the National midterm election has already started. This is a crucial time for us, the Filipino voters, as we prepare to exercise our democratic rights. Despite the premature campaigning, with political ads on television and street posters since 2018, we must stay focused on the significance of the upcoming elections.
In the coming May 13 election, we will again select and vote for the candidates who will serve our country and the people. We will choose our 12 Senatorial bets for the national post and elect our own officials, from Provincial Governors down to Municipal Councilors.
It's a midterm election, and several candidates now share their political views and expertise on issues confronting our nation. Several problems are currently widespread, like the drug war, extrajudicial killings, terrorism, medical marijuana, the age of criminal responsibility, the defense of territorial waters, and the revival of the death penalty.
We also have long-time issues such as poverty alleviation, graft and corruption, unemployment, drug addiction, crime prevention, population control, reproductive health, environmental protection, and climate change. These are some of the many issues our national candidates face once elected. Our local candidates will represent the interests of their constituents and legislate local laws or ordinances to address socio-political issues and uplift the living conditions of the people.
The media plays a significant role in shaping the public's understanding of the candidates. We learn about our candidate's platforms and intentions through media organizations, empowering us to make informed decisions.
Amidst the different voices, we can learn how to filter those who are significant and reflect our values and virtues. Our guiding principle shall rule, not the outside influence of the media and black propaganda.
© 2019 Del Cusay
Monday, June 12, 2017
119th Philippine Independence Day: Freedom in Our Hearts
Philippine national hero Jose Rizal, a visionary leader, once expressed his deepest sympathy against massive aggression by foreign invaders against his countrymen. In his younger years, he witnessed the abuses and suffering of his own family and carried all the emotional baggage of his youth until he became a full-grown man.
In his youthful days, Rizal was already a champion in many ways, and he has proven his capacity through outstanding leadership in his family and the community where he belongs. He was a great believer in the youth and their power to do great things, so he once uttered, "The youth is the hope of the Fatherland," a heroic statement we always remember. Back then, Rizal was just a little boy, but he had a powerful physical, mental, and emotional character, a commendable trait in his time.
Conflicts, violence, and wars continue to happen in our time. It is unending and keeps repeating itself and becoming much worse than ever. Filipinos continue to suffer the consequences of false beliefs and the egocentric mindset of some Filipinos who would spread terror and invade the peaceful land, making it chaotic, disorganized, and ruined.
With the sad fate in Southern Mindanao, Marawi City is another victim of conflict and war between Islamic State radical Muslims and the Philippine Government troupes. People lost their peace and sense of freedom to do the things enjoyed by ordinary Filipino citizens. We have lost several brave souls who fought for the dark forces. They have sacrificed their lives for the call of duty: to protect and defend our country and its people against oppressors.
We have lost our freedom. Our countrymen, The Maranao people, are enslaved by fear and struggle to recover their lives, rebuild and stand again, and continue to live despite the odds. It is not only the Maranaos but the entire Philippine islands; the Filipino people also showed the deepest sympathy. We have mourned and expressed our emotions, and we are concerned about the welfare of our brothers and sisters who are in trouble.
It's difficult not to care about what is happening, especially when dealing with terrorism. We might live in a city far away from the bombings, but we could be the next target. It's easy to be complacent when we feel more secure and guarded. It's easy to get numbed of the unending conflicts and wars. However, ultimately, we cry out loud for our misery when we suffer and become victims. When our country is no longer safe, we can only hope for more protection and salvation to escape various threats. We could hope for a superhero to defend us from invasion and bring back our freedom. We long for a powerful Divine intervention to fill in peace and love in all our hearts.
Once lost, our freedom will always find its way back on track. As we remain hopeful and resilient, we will always regain what is lost and fill in what is empty until we become whole again. The Filipino spirit is one of resilience and hope. As we fight for our freedom and contribute to nation-building, we will see a united nation working together for the common good, and the loss of national identity will find its meaning.
Do we still care about what is happening these days? Are the youths of today willing to sacrifice their comfort to express their fearless views and show solidarity? Are the Filipinos ready to fight again to regain freedom and establish peace in our land? We might not feel it, but the heroism of Rizal is always in our hearts. His legacy, courage, and love for the Philippines are the greatest gifts he has given us, and we must uphold the strength and power we are bestowed. We have the blood of a hero running in our veins, and we could face any obstacle in our quest for lasting peace and order. We will not accept defeat, and goodness will always reign in us. We can't be sure that history will break itself and not be bound to happen again. However, one thing is sure; whatever happens, we will always stand as one... one Philippines ... one Filipino people.
I am a Filipino, and I am part of our nation-building. I will uphold and respect our laws and constitution. I will be a freedom fighter. Freedom leads to peace, and liberty will always reign in our hearts. As a Filipino, I am committed to nation-building. I will uphold and respect our laws and constitution. I will be a freedom fighter, contributing to establishing peace and the reign of liberty in our hearts.
© 2017 Del Cusay
Saturday, February 4, 2017
Good Governance Towards A Better Philippines
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Image source: https://twitter.com/edangara/status/826980193172549632 |
Since the beginning of his presidency, we have observed some vague statements later interpreted by his secretaries to defend him from further embarrassment. There's a circus in communication, and that has caused confusion among the Filipino people. Is there something wrong with the president's way of communication?
We are now suffering from a significant mistake in communication. For instance, the president has been clear from the beginning that the war on drugs will be bloody. We have been hearing statements like "I will kill you" and non-stop cursing, which is highly unacceptable and unbecoming of a statesman.
The war on drugs accompanied by due process is good. However, abuses like extrajudicial killing are not tolerable. We can't tolerate a lawless society, which will never lead to a peaceful country we want to achieve.
For years, we have been fighting for freedom of expression, and today's generation is empowered to speak up for truth backed up by good values and character. We deserve a better Philippines and should not wait for our leaders. We can also do it! As we work together for peace and progress, we can leave a good legacy for the next generation, and they will enjoy the just and clean society they deserve.
© 2017 Del Cusay