Showing posts with label Valentine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Valentine. Show all posts

Friday, February 14, 2020

Heart's Desire and The Purple Sky

A purple sky and purple rain, with their ethereal beauty, symbolize our roller coaster of emotions. This roller coaster is our journey through the highs and lows of life, where the 'purple sky' represents our most profound moments of joy, and the 'purple rain' symbolizes our times of profound sadness and despair.

That's life! We feel the roller coaster of emotions that brings out our best. The rarity of the purple sky, so unique and beautiful, is like the love I have found. It's a color that symbolizes the uniqueness and beauty of my love, a love that is as rare and precious as the purple sky.

Not long ago, I discovered some spirituality acquired from a Master of Life and revered Spiritual teacher who unifies Eastern wisdom and Western practicality. That was a higher level of Spiritual love for service to humanity through charity work.

Many do not know that purple symbolizes spiritual awakening. It has a calming effect, soothing the mind, enhancing creativity, and uplifting our spirit. When we achieve such enlightenment, the spiritual color is revealed to us in unexpected places and moments, bringing peace and serenity. The significance of the purple color in this awakening is profound, a testament to the power of enlightenment.

As we live our purpose, we continue to experience giving and receiving love. It's not just a feeling but the most essential spiritual gift, a treasure we carry within, and the most crucial emotion to nurture and cherish.

As we celebrate Valentine's Day, we experience the color of love that is revealed to us. It may be the fierce energy of red to some, the calming effect of blue to others, or a combination of red and blue, and that's purple—a highly significant spiritual color.

Love will always be more than and beyond ourselves. When we have found love, it gives us the purple color, a romantic, lovely, and royalty color in our lives that our hearts desire. This 'purple color' is not just a hue but a symbol of the deep, spiritual love that we experience.

© 2020 Del Cusay

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Heart's Desire: Evolution of Love

To love someone and be loved in return is a transformative force, a beacon of joy that can guide us through emotional setbacks like loneliness, apathy, and grief. Even when we feel lost and empty, love has the power to fill our hearts and bring us back to life.

Love is a multifaceted gem, each facet reflecting a different meaning to different individuals. For the orphan, it's a warm hug that brings acceptance and security. For single parents and widows, it's the pride of raising their children well. And for the elderly, it's the respect they receive from the young. These diverse expressions of love are the threads that weave the fabric of our society.

In today's society, we also have the victims of circumstances that made them view love differently. The homeless feel less secure and abandoned. The rebel groups may feel deprived of equal rights and opportunities. And the sick and dying may feel unfulfilled, uncared for, and unloved.

Love takes on different forms as we progress through life's stages. As children, we bask in the unconditional love of our parents. In our teenage years, we yearn for the acceptance and love of our peers. As adults, we find love in serving our countrymen and our nation. This is how love transforms and matures over time, adapting to our changing needs and circumstances. 

Following Our Heart's Desire is a philosophy that encourages us to pursue our most cherished goals, even when life presents challenges. It's a stage in life when we are filled with energy and hopeful desires for success, and it serves as a reminder to keep pushing forward, no matter the obstacles.

Living a Fantastic Life is a concept that goes beyond personal desires and ego. It's about experiencing a higher level of happiness, a divinely inspired bliss. When we engage in public service and reach out to others, we tap into our inherent divinity as human beings. This act of selflessness allows us to transcend our selfish desires and experience a deeper, more fulfilling form of love.

Heart's Desire: Living A Humanitarian Life is realizing a higher level of love when we go beyond our love for self and love for our family. It is about humanitarian service through charity work or public service, allowing us to serve the privileged and underprivileged sectors.

The evolution of love may extend beyond our earthly existence. Whether we believe in 'life after death' or not, the love we share with others can continue to guide and comfort them, even after we're gone. Love is a timeless force that transcends the boundaries of life and death.

© 2019 Del Cusay

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Heart's Desire: Living A Fantastic Life

There are times when life gives us a sweet taste of beautiful experiences. Often, life may also provide a bitter taste of painful memories. 

However, we reminisce about the sweetness and bitterness that haunt us, our thoughts and emotions that will either make or break us.

When a tough time comes, we challenge ourselves to overcome it. We are creating an emotional shield, a metaphorical armor made of our resilience and self-love, as a protective defense not to become broken but to shed the light of love to ourselves and others. We activate the inner light to guide us when we are lost and to be redirected toward the path of righteousness.

Our memories, like beacons of hope, are beautiful experiences that uplift us when things aren't right. They remind us of our strength and resilience. Our miseries can teach us to become challenging when we are halfway through... but a fading light. We are crafted by our imagination and desires that can spark a greater force of illumined self for the greater good and a better life.

Today, we direct ourselves based on the principles we inherit. We go on confidently and without hesitation; we pause and ponder when it seems doubtful. We continue to seek validation, not out of insecurity, but as a reaffirmation of our growth and progress: "Are we good enough, or is it just enough?"

As we continue the journey, we are "Following Our Heart's Desire," We are molded through life's hopelessness and challenges, turning miseries into bliss. Each challenge we overcome is a testament to our strength and resilience. The peak of temporary happiness is when we surpass the valley of tears, a cycle of life that is never-ending, always brief, but has a joyous end.

Our destiny is always unknown to us. However, a divinely inspired being, a part of us that is connected to a higher purpose or calling, will arise in us, sharing a light of hope with some and enlightenment with many... only then is it right to live in comfort and the precious life we deserve.

 © 2016 Del Cusay

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Following Our Heart's Desire

"Life is like a valentine. We never know when an arrow will strike us. We never know whether it will hurt us or give us joy. But whenever it comes, we accept it and follow with all our heartsour relentless desire."

At the present time, we may have been experiencing a lot of struggles to survive life's endearing challenges. These challenges could be financial difficulties, health issues, or personal relationships. Some people might constantly worry about finding the right path in life. Some wanted to achieve their goals and dreams despite limited internal resources. Some would have been giving up and letting live as it happened.

The fact that life is difficult is not the ultimate reason for us to quit, but to face life with faith and gratitude. There are so many things to be grateful for in life, one of which is our existence to find our purpose in life. We are here to follow the right path—the key to living a good life
, a life that is meaningful and fulfilling, a life where we discover and fulfill our unique purpose.

How we get it is a question that we sometimes cannot answer. We may have tried to solve so many never-ending problems. Some cannot be handled well, resulting in frustrations and distress. However, we should work for the mind and the heart—the love center.

A good heart

Often, we follow our minds. Yes, they are superior and control our well-being. Nevertheless, we should consider our hearts in our way of life. Our heart has several functions aside from pumping blood. Hence, we should consider its importance and not take it for granted.

If we feel like giving and loving, we activate our hearts. Whenever we think of being compassionate and altruistic, we use the seat. Therefore, our heart is as important as our mind. There is the mind that interprets, but there is a heart that feels.
 Let's not underestimate the power of our hearts in guiding our decisions and actions.

Man is exemplary in nature. Thus, we have a good heart. I recalled what our college teachers taught us: no matter how wrong a person is, there is still particular goodness in him. He still has a natural gift of a good heart. In that sense, we can renew and make better use of it.

Our desire

In our lives, we may have made wrong decisions that caused us to regret them. We have followed what other people have told us, followed the advice of a friend, listened to what a stranger said, and pondered wrong thoughts without following our honest and own desires.

For instance, in our society, we may know someone living in a dream with his parents. Pursuing a course or career opposite to what he truly loves. He cannot refuse but follow due to respect and love. He cannot live his own life but accept and persevere.

If this is the kind of life we want, we become prisoners of our fate—our heart's desire. It seems that we do not have a mind and soul. We never realize that life depends on how we make it and not just on living to somebody's wishes. It's time to break free from these self-imposed limitations and live according to our desires.

Something to ponder

What keeps us from not following our will and desires is why we are unsure of our capabilities. We still have doubts that haunt us to move forward.

We may ask ourselves, who am I? Yet, we are still struggling to know who we are. What do I want? Yet, they are unsure of what lies ahead. Where am I going? Yet, I need to figure out where to head in life. When do I get there? Yet, I have to start. Why shall I do it? Yet, I doubt my own self. And how do I get there? Yet, I am not utilizing inherent resources.

The questions above are valid because I used to be like that. Sometimes, I question myself to better understand who, what, where, when, why, and how I want. It is good to constantly re-evaluate ourselves to keep track of our goals and desires. This self-reflection is not a sign of weakness but a powerful tool for personal growth.

Keep going on

Like a Valentine, we may have hearts full of love and affection around on this day, expressing love and affection to dear ones. Everyone gives flowers, chocolates, and whatever they think is unique and worth remembering. Indeed, that reminds us that the spirit of love is alive. Our heart is in working mode, and it teaches a valuable lesson to keep going—to follow our heart's desire.

Life is not just about finding ourselves but about how we create it. Indeed, we are responsible for our own lives; like a sailor, it is our choice of direction. We have the option, which depends on how we use it to improve gameplay.

Life is like a Valentine. We never know when an arrow will strike us. We never know whether it will hurt us or give us joy. But whenever it comes, we accept it and follow with all our hearts—our relentless desire. We offer our best wholeheartedly and must follow what our minds and nature dictate.

© 2012 Del Cusay