Showing posts with label new7wonders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new7wonders. Show all posts

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Group or Team Power : How it can change the world...

"Group Power is essential for success, and we should not underestimate what it can do; hence, it can make or break something. We must be responsible by using this power carefully and for good intentions only."

In my previous posts, I have discussed different sources of power and given examples of some prominent people who possess such powers and how they use them to make a social impact and global influence. However, I have not included one source of power that is very important nowadays—group or team Power.

I will cite an example of how we use group power and its effect on mankind and the world. This is very timely since I am referring to the global environmental campaign of the "New7Wonders of Nature," which is the organization founded by Bernard Weber of Switzerland. The worldwide campaign started in 2007 after the "New7Wonders of The World" declaration on 7-7-7 or July 7, 2007. After 4 years, another campaign under the title of "New7Wonders of Nature" was participated by people worldwide, and on 11-11-11 or November 11, 2011 - the 7 provisional list was named by the organization's founder himself.

Upon watching the announcement video, I was filled with a sense of thrill and hope as I saw the Puerto Princesa Underground River on the provisional list. Its inclusion, while not yet official, is a powerful testament to the potential for positive change that collective action in global campaigns can bring.


The campaign started with Bernard Weber of Switzerland's simple goal of creating a global memory by garnering the participation of people worldwide. He founded the organization 2001 based on the same principle as the "Seven Ancient Wonders of the World." That list of seven wonders was attributed to Philon of ancient Greece.


I asked myself what the difference between the two great men was, and I realized that Philon's 'Seven Wonders of Ancient World' was chosen and declared only by himself since he was powerful during his time. Weber, who founded the 'New7Wonders of the World & Nature,' was selected and participated in by people globally. Thinking of the difference, I came up with 'Group Power' as the answer. Group Power is the collective strength and influence of individuals who share a common goal. It is not about the power of one individual but the combined efforts and resources of many.

The campaign's success is a testament to the power of unity. It's not just about Weber's individual power but the collective strength of all those who participated. This is the essence of 'Group Power '.

If we try to analyze, the campaign will not succeed because Weber is powerful. Indeed, he has some sources of his power, like the power of education and expertise, being an expert in filmmaking. He has the power position of being the founder of the said organization. He has control of social intelligence through his ability to attract millions of followers to his campaign. He has physical power and an energetic personality.

He also gained international fame and recognition through the Power of Media, using the Power of Nature and the Group power through the active participation of his supporters and followers. He has almost every power source, and the good thing is that he uses it wisely for a good cause.


The Philippines is a biodiverse archipelago of 7,107 islands, over a thousand of which are in Palawan. Dubbed "The Last Frontier," it is one of the largest island provinces in the country and one of the cleanest and safest places in the archipelago.

Once again, we have proven that we have something to share with the rest of the world. Through unity, we have made it possible for the Puerto Princesa Underground River to be put on the global map as one of the best ecological tourist destinations in the world.


With its reputation as the longest navigable subterranean river in the world, the Puerto Princesa Underground River is a magnificent ecological spot with a diverse ecosystem. As it journeys towards the official declaration as one of the 'New7Wonders of Nature', we can anticipate a significant boost to the country's tourism industry. The 50% increase in tourism reported by the local government of Puerto Princesa City in 2009 is a promising sign of the campaign's potential impact.


Now that the Puerto Princesa Underground River is gaining global recognition and fame, some things should be considered, including the effect of environmental progress.

Development of the city of Puerto Princesa has been ongoing since many tourists arrived recently. I watched a documentary film about Puerto Princesa City Mayor Edward Hagedorn, who invested in building truly world-class infrastructure projects in preparation for the big blessing, which is the coming of tourists from other parts of the world.

We hope the place will not be fully commercialized like other tourist destinations in the country, where the environment is sacrificed for massive income. Along with progress, possible environmental issues may arise, such as waste management, tree cutting, pollution, etc.

Palawan is truly a paradise, and it deserves to preserve its beauty and charm so the next generation can love and appreciate it. This is not only for Filipinos but also for the world's people. We can not control development, but we can do our share by protecting it and criticizing environmental neglect and abuse.

Group Power is indeed essential for success, but we must never underestimate its potential to make or break something. We are responsible for using this power carefully and with good intentions only. The saying, 'In unity there is strength,' holds true, especially today. To reach the top, we need the support of people who share our ideals and aspirations, push us to our limits, and help us raise the bar to become what we are meant to be. This responsibility should make us all feel accountable and mindful of our actions.

© 2012 Del Cusay